Reprinted from the COURAGEOUS DISCOURSE - Daily Mail: "Scientists discover 'exciting' link between autism in children and gut bacteria"

New Hong Kong study confirms Andrew Wakefield's seminal observation in 1998.


JUL 11, 2024

The UK’s Daily Mail is just out with a report headlined "Scientists discover 'exciting' link between autism in children and gut bacteria.” The report cites a recent study published by a research team in Hong Kong titled Multikingdom and functional gut microbiota markers for autism spectrum disorder.

The authors confirm the seminal observation made by former UK gastroenterologist, Andrew Wakefield, in his 1998 paper “Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children.” As Wakefield observed back then, something was impairing the gut biome of children. He further observed that—in remarkable case studies—both GI tract trouble and neurological symptoms of autism emerged shortly after children received an MMR vaccine. Finally, Wakefield observed that correcting the child’s gut biome with dietary changes could also reduce the severity of the child’s symptoms of autism.

Instead of taking Dr. Wakefield’s observations as a starting point for further research that could have helped millions of children over the last quarter of a century, the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex performed the most vicious vilification campaign against him since Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis was persecuted in the mid-19th century for correctly recommending that anatomy students wash their hands after dissecting cadavers and before examining pregnant women the maternity ward.

Neither the Hong Kong study nor the Daily Mail report offer any theory about what is altering the gut biome of autistic children. Dr Elizabeth Lund, “an independent consultant in nutrition and gastrointestinal health,” is quoted:

The researchers quite rightly point out that this data cannot say whether the different microbiome causes ASD or whether differences in the diet, or other environmental factors, associated with children with ASD lead to the observed differences.

Hmmm. I wonder what “other environmental factors” might be causing this widespread catastrophe in children?

Dr. Lund seems to be suffering from what I call the Nile River-God Syndrome, after Bernini’s depiction of the Nile River in his 1651 Fountain of the Four Rivers in Rome. The source of the Nile was unknown in Europe until the British explorer John Hanning Speke “discovered” the giant lake he called Lake Victoria in 1858.

Bernini expressed the mystery of the Nile’s source by depicting the Nile River God with a veil drawn across his eyes.

When it comes to examining the possible role of childhood vaccines in causing the dramatic rise in the incidence of autism, the mainstream medical community remains steadfastly and willfully blind. They ought to know by now that—in the words of SNL’s Stuart Smalley—”denial is not a river in Africa.”