Biological Weapons:
The threat of terrorists successfully weaponizing Ebola is completely unprecedented and the US is woefully unprepared for such an attack.
CyberAttack on the Grid:
What happens when terrorists go after U.S. power grids? Emmy and Peabody Award winner Ted Koppel discusses the potentially massive toll from a possible full-scale cyberattack.
The former head of the NSA and CIA warns that a cyberattack is already underway and it goes way beyond the Sony and Target attacks.
The terrorist attack on our power grid you've never heard of. Our grid has significant weaknesses, and a 2013 attack on a substation shows that terrorists here in the United States may already know about them.
An attack from an electromagnetic pulse weapon could lead to the greatest loss of life in America's history. Find out how you can be prepared.
The vulnerabilities in our power grid, that if remain unprotected can cause national chaos and catastrophe. Find out how bureaucrats in Washington are putting our safety at risk.