Reprinted from the COURAGEOUS DISCOURSE - Biden's Neurodegenerative Syndrome Consistent with COVID-19 Vaccine Injury

Dr. McCullough with Breanna Morello on Signs of both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Syndromes


JUL 11, 2024

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Joe Biden appearance on film in 2019 and 2024 demonstrates a dramatic decline in cognitive function, memory, retrieval, enunciation, strength of voice, facial expression, gait, wayfinding, and motor skills such as walking up and down stairs.

Dr. McCullough appeared on the Breanna Morello show to provide analysis and commentary. While a diagnosis cannot be made without a physical exam, laboratory testing, and brain imaging, Biden’s apparent syndrome is not completely classic for Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, but has features of both conditions.

The Parkinson’s Foundation indicates that 20-50% of Parkinson’s patients experience some mild cognitive decline, but not dementia. Alzheimer's disease doesn't usually affect a patient's motor function until the later stages of the disease.

Buchman AS, Bennett DA. Loss of motor function in preclinical Alzheimer's disease. Expert Rev Neurother. 2011 May;11(5):665-76. doi: 10.1586/ern.11.57. PMID: 21539487; PMCID: PMC3121966.

Biden has features of both which is consistent with a COVID-19 vaccine injury neurodegenerative syndrome. Given the timing in Biden’s case, the White House should disclosed the dates, brand, and number of doses of vaccines received. His doctors should report his case to VAERS. It is very likely COVID-19 vaccination is either the cause or has significantly contributed to his decline.

Seneff S, Kyriakopoulos AM, Nigh G, McCullough PA. A Potential Role of the Spike Protein in Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Narrative Review. Cureus. 2023 Feb 11;15(2):e34872. doi: 10.7759/cureus.34872. PMID: 36788995; PMCID: PMC9922164.  Jee Hoon Roh, Inha Jung, Yunsun Suh, Min-Ho Kim, A potential association between COVID-19 vaccination and development of alzheimer's disease, QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 2024;, hcae103,

Listen to this report from Breanna Morello joined by Dr. McCullough after other experts on the president’s condition.

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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation