World War III warning? Hungary declares a wartime state of emergency Thursday, May 26, 2022 by: JD Heyes

(Natural News) As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine nears the end of its third month, war clouds appear to be darkening more of Europe.

Just a few hours after Prime Minister Viktor Orban took total control of Hungary after pushing through a constitutional amendment allowing his government to rule by decree when there is war in a neighboring country, he declared a wartime state of emergency.

According to a report by Bloomberg News, the Hungarian parliament approved a state of emergency earlier in the day on Tuesday, which is scheduled to take effect at midnight. That gives Orban’s government “maneuvering room and the ability to react immediately to the ongoing conflict in neighboring Ukraine, according to the prime minister, who spoke in a video posted to Facebook.

Corporate media outlet Bloomberg, naturally, approved of the actions as a victory for “the banner carrier for nationalists worldwide.”

The outlet reports:

The move comes after Orban told US right-wing celebrities last week at an event in Budapest, which included a video message from former President Donald Trump, that the recipe for wielding full power over a nation requires building your own media and institutions. And, above all, ditching established political norms to “play by our own rules.”

“We need maneuvering and the ability to take action immediately,” Orban said after his ministers took the oath of office. The state of emergency, which he said he called because of Russia’s attack against neighboring Ukraine, will allow him to use “all tools” of the state, he said.

Now he’s the banner carrier for nationalists worldwide, with Trump praising him as a “great leader” in a video stream at the conference.

On Wednesday, Orban’s government is expected to announce the first measures it will take under the new state of emergency. He had been making the case for the action even before his Cabinet was sworn in on Tuesday.

In addition to amending the constitution to provide for the new powers, Orban, 58, also gave his chief of staff new responsibilities to oversee Hungary’s intelligence services.

Orban is the European Union’s longest-serving head of government and is currently in his fourth consecutive term after he cruised to victory last month in a landslide. Notably, he has had differences with other EU member nations over a host of issues including his opposition to an EU ban on Russian oil.

The reason is simple: While Russia certainly did invade Ukraine, Organ knows how dependent the continent is on Russian energy. He also knows that Ukraine is not exactly a model country, being the most corrupt on the continent, or close to it.

Meanwhile, in the Asian theater, South Korea and Japan scrambled fighter jets in response to a rare joint air operation by Russia and China.

“The joint patrol lasted 13 hours over the Japanese and East China seas and involved Russian Tu-95 strategic bombers and Chinese Xian H-6 jets,” the Russian Ministry of Defense noted, as cited by Reuters. The report also confirmed that for parts of the lengthy flight, Japanese and South Korean air force jets shadowed the Russian-Chinese patrol, which included nuclear-capable bombers.

The operation took place as America’s dementia president, Joe Biden, held a “Quad” meeting with fellow leaders from India, Japan and Australia, in part to shore up their alliance in the face of new Chinese aggression. At one point during the meeting, Biden ended decades’ worth of intentional ambiguity over defending Taiwan, claiming in no uncertain terms that he would commit American treasure and blood to do so.

A U.S. official said the exercise showed China was continuing military cooperation with Russia in the Indo-Pacific “even as Russia brutalizes Ukraine.”

“It also shows that Russia will stand with China in the East and South China Seas, not with other Indo-Pacific states,” the official said.

World War III is coming even as Biden and his handlers collapse our country.

Sources include: