If CDC mandates Smallpox vaccine for Monkeypox pandemic, expect serious side effects, including breathing difficulty and deadly “cardiac events” – 2005 CDC study Thursday, May 26, 2022 by: S.D. Wells

(Natural News) Just as human papillomavirus (HPV) is a rare sexually transmitted disease caused by a virus that children and teens have no business getting vaccinated for, monkeypox is a rare sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a virus for which the world needs not be vaccinated against. Still, the scare of a pandemic itself makes pharma goons billions of dollars, so the press is running wild with talk of monkeypox vaccines, and millions of deadly injections have already been bought and sold to prepare for the war against monkeypox.

Have you or a loved one had sex with a monkey from Europe or Africa lately? Do you attend and participate in orgies with people who have? Well then, you need not worry about monkeypox, or getting the smallpox vaccine, which is very dangerous to your health, but comes highly recommended by the CDC for supposedly treating the disease people catch when they have intimate relationships with infected monkeys.

Smallpox vaccines, that cause a “clinical syndrome” of serious side effects, to be administered worldwide for rare STD monkeypox

Yes, smallpox is done and gone. Eradicated decades ago. No vaccine necessary. Still, the CDC and WHO claim there’s somehow an 85 percent “efficacy” rate for the smallpox vaccine preventing monkeypox, though ZERO clinical trials have been run that prove this. Remember, the “science” of vaccines is just a religion, where you have to believe in them, because there is no proof of safety or efficacy.

In fact, the opposite of “safe and effective” is what we’ve witnessed with HPV, flu shots and COVID-19 jabs, and now, looking back at a 2005 CDC study on smallpox inoculations, we see where researchers described an array of serious combined symptoms from the jab as a “clinical syndrome.” Is that because the smallpox vaccine contains two percent human serum albumin?

Call it the cannibal jab. Blood cells from human abortions are injected into humans and the CDC can’t figure out why those jabbed develop clinical syndrome from it. Go figure. Laboratory and public health workers who got smallpox shots reported SEVERAL horrific side effects, including breathing difficulty and serious heart problems. Sound familiar? This is not a few whistleblowers reporting to VAERS, this is the CDC’s very own study, and the findings will blow your mind.

Still, they want to push the smallpox vaccine on everyone to treat or prevent bad cases of monkeypox, that people get from having crazy, perverted sex parties with people who have had intimate contact with infected monkeys. We should all be so concerned. That’s about as absurd as giving nine year old girls HPV injections to prevent genital warts that people get from having frequent, promiscuous sex with intravenous drug users.

Wild claims of 85% efficacy for smallpox vaccines preventing bad cases of monkeypox, just like the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine LIES purported

Oh yes, the highly corrupt CDC and globalist-run WHO will highly recommend off-label prescriptions and vaccinations for anything under the sun, even smallpox jabs for an STD you get from having anal sex with infected monkeys from Europe and Africa. Yet, nobody is allowed to ever use ivermectin, or NAC, or monoclonal antibodies to treat and beat COVID, because they’re off-label treatments and might cause minor side effects. Pay no attention to EVERY commercial for every prescription drug ever licensed for any sickness, where the side effects are so horrendous you forget what you’re even being treated for in the first place.

Meanwhile, the CDC’s Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment Network and the Department of Defense have documented (from the 2005 study), “systemic reactions to smallpox vaccination” as part of a clinical trial that was “primarily a cardiac study looking at systemic markers of inflammation,” which included myocarditis. Sounds a lot like all the heart attacks and atrial fibrillations experienced by perfectly healthy athletes, pilots and military members after getting the deadly COVID-19 jabs.

Get smart. Avoid all vaccinations because they’re not safe and not effective, and this all according to the CDC’s very own research and clinical trials. Bookmark Vaccines.news to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental vaccines that have no business on the market, especially for worsening lab-concocted viruses and rare STDs from gay dudes screwing monkeys in Europe.

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