Thai Protesters Call For An End To Mandatory Vaccination And Remember Those Killed By The COVID-19 Vaccine

THAILAND – A group calling itself ‘The Resistance THA Coalition Against Forced Vaccination’, staged a protest yesterday to commemorate those who have died as a result of the COVID-19 vaccines.

This type of protest appears to be spreading across the globe. On the 20th of November, relatives of those killed by the COVID-19 vaccines held a vigil in South Korea, and last week in Italy, hundreds staged a mourning march in the city of Parma to commemorate those who have died as a result of complications due to the vaccines.

The distraught leader of the protest observed silence in memory of the vaccine victims

The Thai protesters assembled in front of the Australian embassy in Bangkok and railed against compulsory vaccination while holding up placards of numerous Thai victims that died as a result of the COVID-19 vaccines. The group also objected to the Australian government’s policies of coercion and internment.

The protesters, which included family members of the victims as well as other people who are sympathetic to the cause, distributed leaflets that contained 5 questions.

1. Did you know that Thai people have become sick or died from all the brands of the experimental COVID vaccines?

2. Did you know that vaccine manufacturers are immune to liability and cannot be sued for the deaths and illnesses of those who take their product?

3. Did you know that the NHSO (the government department that pays compensation to vaccine-injured) has paid out more than 712 million baht ($ 21 million dollars) from Thai taxpayer’s money?

4. Did you know there are many Thai people who are injured after the injection but do not know who to call for help?

5. Are you sure that you or a loved one won’t be next?

Some of the protestors then submitted a letter to the Australian ambassador, urging the Australian government to stop violating the rights of its citizens with lockdowns, camps, and vaccine coercion.

The protestors at the Australian embassy in Bangkok

One of the leaders stated:

“We’re only against the vaccine and have no political objectives other than showing support for the victims of these COVID-19 vaccines and protesting against compulsory vaccination.”

As the number of dead and injured from the COVID-19 vaccines continues to rise, protests like this will inevitably become more common.