Claim: 60,000 Scientists Call for end of Mass Vaccination Program

Called the Great Barrington Declaration, a growing army of rebellious-minded infectious disease epidemiologists and other scientists, physicians and public health experts came together to compare notes about their grave concerns associated with the risks of physical and mental health impacts associated with COVID-19 mass vaccination programs.

Rather, the group favors what they call “Focused Protection.” Representing both the left and the right, the full spectrum of nationality and discipline, the group of scientists and researchers claim current lockdown policies are devastating human communities both in the short run and long term. What will result from this horribly misguided scheme believe the signatories?

  • Lower childhood vaccination rates

  • Worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes

  • Fewer cancer screenings

  • Deteriorating mental health

There is no good outlook based on the current direction shared by signatories of The Great Barrington Declaration, reports French Daily News.

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But why isn’t vaccination needed?

This represents a fundamental question given medical establishments from around the world have signed on to the mass vaccination paradigm. TrialSite’s founder Daniel O’Connor went on the record, “It would be one thing if the mass COVID-19 vaccination programs were conveniently only in Western societies, that is the more capitalistic cultures where companies are incentivized to monetize the pandemic for investors—while purportedly working to eliminate the virus.” O’Connor continued, “But nearly every advanced or even emerging society as measured by economic health has lined up behind this paradigm including communist countries such as China which has vaccinated more people targeting COVID-19 than any other nation.”

The TrialSite founder continued that “even Cuba, still a communist country, has developed four vaccines and they as we speak are vaccinating their children on that island nation in a population-wide vaccination scheme. Cuba has developed a substantial physician community and their vaccines are not introduced by companies first and foremost hunting profit—this is a society that is tightly controlled, with not much of a profit motive.”

Many suspect that the mass vaccination schemes reflect some sort of government and industry cabal in part to drive enormous revenues as well as impose ever greater state control and oversight over populations— corporate money and state power. But as TrialSite’s O’Connor expressed, those countries without a capitalistic motive are pushing universal vaccination as a way to overcome COVID-19 as well—countries like China and Cuba are 100% bought in. 

What do we know now?

  • The Great Barrington Declaration group believes that a number of emerging factors lead to other paradigms of dealing with COVID-19. They include:

  • Overall understanding of how to treat the virus grows (e.g., elderly and those with comorbidities face a far higher risk of severe disease)

  • Measures tailored for the high risk will make a huge difference

  • Accumulating immunity leads to greater community protection

  • Embrace more granular risk-benefit analyses to determine who receives vaccination versus other forms of care for example

In the meantime, this group promotes that those not vulnerable to COVID-19 should commence normalcy immediately, simply embracing heightened hygiene measures, for example. They also believe early treatment is of paramount concern, including the embrace of off-label therapies such as Fluvoxamine and potentially even ivermectin and famotidine.

What is the Great Barrington Declaration?

The Great Barrington Declaration was written from a global public health and humanitarian perspective, with special concerns about how the current COVID-19 strategies are forcing our children, the working class and the poor to carry the heaviest burden. The response to the pandemic in many countries around the world, focused on lockdowns, contact tracing and isolation, imposes enormous unnecessary health costs on people. In the long run, it will lead to higher COVID and non-COVID mortality than the focused protection plan we call for in the Declaration. You can read more about the effort here