Back in the summer of 2020 before Donald "father of the vaccine" – his own words – Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" injections were available, the Southern Brazilian city of Itajai was successfully using ivermectin to prevent hospitalizations and deaths from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Between July and December of 2020, roughly 220,000 people in Itajai were offered a two-day treatment course of 0.2 mg/kg/day (roughly 18mg for a 200lb person) once every two weeks. A total of 133,051 people chose to take the regimen while 87,466 declined. It was later determined by researchers at the University of Toronto and Columbia's EAFIT University that hospitalization and mortality rates in Itajai were cut in half over a seven-month period in the ivermectin group, proving the drug's efficacy. "This is even more impressive when you learn the IVM [ivermectin] users were older on average, with 30 percent over 50 years old versus 20 percent for non-IVM users," tweeted someone named Simon Vallée after taking a closer look at the data. "The mortality reduction is even higher looking at different age groups – 85 percent for 31-49 years old and 59 percent for over 50 years old." The authors of this research made sure to adjust for relevant confounding variables such as age, sex, medical history, previous diseases and other conditions.
Business Insider lied about study, claimed ivermectin was a "failure"
Back in October, Business Insider (BI) ran a hit piece claiming that this experiment was a total failure, and that ivermectin does not help as a prophylactic remedy for the Tony Fauci Virus. Citing a Brazilian ICU doctor's anecdotal evidence, BI basically went out of its way to try to make ivermectin sound like ineffective "horse paste" when the reality is that the cheap, safe and effective FDA-approved drug is highly effective in humans. "Being a retrospective observational analysis, it is uncertain whether results would be reproducible in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial, but likely, since groups of ivermectin users and non-users had similar demographic characteristics, and rates were adjusted for the relevant confounding variables," stated a pre-print of the new paper proving that ivermectin works. The so-called "fact checkers" are probably scrambling to come up with something to "debunk" the research, which exposes lockdowns, masks and "vaccines" as an unnecessary farce. The plandemic would already be over had the government advised people to take ivermectin instead of Operation Warp Speed injections. This is based on data published by, a real-time analysis of 70 studies which found that ivermectin works as a prophylaxis 83 percent of the time. As an early treatment, peer-reviewed studies found that ivermectin is effective 70 percent of the time. As a late treatment, the drug works about 39 percent of the time. In India's Utter Pradesh province, which opted for ivermectin over the injections, ivermectin is widely and successfully used as a Fauci Flu prophylactic. Officials in the province, which has a population of 200 million, said that widespread use of ivermectin "helped keep positivity [and] deaths low." The Indian government has funded numerous studies that came to similar conclusions. One of them found that a two-dose ivermectin prophylaxis at a dose of 300 μg/kg with a gap of 72 hours resulted in a 73 percent reduction in SARS-CoV-2 infection among health care workers. Another study out of India found that patients given ivermectin at the hospital were way more likely than patients not given the drug to make it out alive. Another found that administering ivermectin alongside doxycycline resulted in an average improved recovery time of two days earlier compared to patients given a placebo. "Perhaps the most damning evidence in favor of ivermectin is the medical establishment's position that it's essentially snake oil, despite the fact that it's had a glowing safety profile for decades, until now," commented Zero Hedge. More related news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found at Sources include: