Valentina Benini: 49-Year-Old Woman Dies 12 Hours After Receiving The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine

SAN GUSMÉ, ITALY – A 49-year-old woman has died 12 hours after receiving the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Valentina Benini got her shot on July 15th. She was found lifeless in her home just 12 hours later. Family lawyer Fabio Cappelletti confirmed on September 18th that the investigation into her sudden death is still ongoing. A preliminary investigation concluded that Mrs. Benini appeared to be in good health as nothing suspicious was found in her home to suggest otherwise.

Carmelo Librizzi, a friend of Mrs. Benini, said:

“Valentina was a sunny girl, full of life, always smiling and with whom you could immediately create a spontaneous relationship. When I heard about the tragedy, it was as if a boulder had fallen on me. It is truly absurd to see such a wonderful person fly away.”

Prosecutor Valentina Magnini who works on the case will have to clarify whether it was a sudden illness that caused her death or that there is a causal relation with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine she had 12 hours before: