Gianluca Masserdotti: 54-Year-Old Man Dies 12 Days After The AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine, Family Seeks Answers

BRESCIA, ITALY – A 54-year-old man died 12 days after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Gianluca Masserdotti got his shot on May 29th. He felt a little pain and felt fatigued following the shot. He later suffered severe headaches and ‘heaviness’ in his legs. He collapsed shortly after and was rushed to hospital where an emergency operation attempted to remove the blood clots that were found over his entire body. The procedure didn’t succeed and he passed away on Thursday, June 10th.

Sonia, Gianluca’s sister said:

“We were only able to donate his liver and kidneys because all his organs were full of blood clots. We want to understand how we got to this point, what the Astrazeneca vaccine has done to a 54-year-old man. We are waiting for answers.”

His daughter, Giulia, said:

“My father was healthy. We can’t explain why this has happened.”