Reprinted from Elizabeth Johnston Substack - Trans "medical" industry raking in BILLIONS

PLUS: Moderna awarded taxpayer funds to develop mRNA vaccine for bird flu in humans


JUL 09, 2024

Research reveals transgender “medical” industry could exceed $7.8 billion by 2030

Big Pharma and healthcare companies are raking in millions to destroy people’s bodies and lock them in as customers for life


JUL 09, 2024

A report from a conservative think tank reveals the crippling extent to which the transgender “healthcare” industry is exploding, making billions for the purveyors of life-altering, damaging surgery and hormones.

Researchers at the American Principles Project reveal that estimated total revenues for the transgender “medicine” industry surpassed $4.4 billion — and could exceed $7.8 billion by 2030.

That’s a lot of money flowing into an industry that relies entirely upon a favorable view of gender theory in the eyes of the American public. Considering this ideology is often defended with hysterically accusatory language branding anyone who would dare question a person’s desire to “transition” for any reason whatever as “hateful,” this is a terrifying prospect.

Meanwhile, children are falling prey to this dangerous ideological tyranny at the cost of a functioning, healthy body.

"My organization, American Principles Project, has been concerned about the entire transgender agenda as it pertains to children for quite some time now," the think tank’s President Terry Schilling told Fox News.

"We know that there are obvious physical and psychological consequences to it, but we wanted to figure out why the industry was growing so much, why such a small population was getting so much attention and media, you know, favorable attention in our cultural arena, and we figured out very quickly that there's a lot of money here,” he continued.

The APP estimates that the total lifetime cost of cross-sex hormones could be as much as $300,000 while “sex change” surgeries cost $150,000.

Meanwhile, the nation’s most profitable gender clinics such as Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, the Regents at the University of Michigan, and the Mount Sinai Health System in New York City brought in over $100 million in 2022.

As for Big Pharma? Well, the notorious Pfizer brought in $74 million dollars on transgender pharmaceutical drugs, while biopharmaceutical manufacturer AbbVie brought in $51 million.

"There's so many physical bad things that happen to you and side effects that we've known about for a few years, but it didn't really explain why people were still pushing them towards this," said Schilling.

"I like to think that most human beings are normally good, and they don't want to cause harm to people. So what would push people into these procedures and what would push people into encouraging other people to go through these painful procedures that cause so much dysfunction and harm to them? And it makes a lot more sense when you realize that there are billions and billions of dollars at stake."

It makes significantly more sense indeed.

This is why the battle for the future of our country and the lives and bodies of our children is in the realm of ideas — refuting this dangerous ideology with grace, love, and unfailing truth, even in the face of insults and false accusations.

If we don’t push back against this deadly, for-profit business, who will?

Moderna to receive $176 million of your tax dollars to develop bird flu vaccine

And yes — it will be an mRNA vaccine with some warning it will be developed using gain-of-function research


JUL 09, 2024

Even as the fallout from the COVID-19 vaccine continues, Moderna has been awarded $176 million by the federal government to develop another mRNA vaccine for today’s viral scare, bird flu.

Last week, federal officials announced that the pharmaceutical giant would be awarded money by way of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The purpose of the funds, as LifeSite reported, is to “accelerate” the development of the vaccine.

“Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), a military contractor, has already helped develop a bird flu mRNA shot that has been cleared by the FDA, prompted by a bird flu outbreak in U.S. dairy cows. The vaccine development will include a late-stage trial next year if early testing looks promising,” they report, citing the Associated Press.

They note that one of the chief concerns many had surrounding the COVID-19 “vaccine” was its use of mRNA technology which has an “abysmal” track record, as LifeSite describes it.

So, considering the bird flu vaccine will use mRNA technology and gain-of-function research, here’s a major plot twist:

One of the most published cardiologists in history, Peter McCulloch, recently suggested that this could be to blame for bird flu jumping from animals to humans in the first place, calling for a shutdown on gain-of-function labs, and warned that culling animals and creating vaccines would only help the virus to develop into “more resistant strains.”

The powers that be appear to be trying to use the bird flu as another pandemic, and their colors shouldn’t be showing more clearly.