Reprinted from The Great Wakeup - Unmasking COVID-19 Deceptions, Part III

A Q&A with Dr. Peter McCullough, Internist, Cardiologist and Chief Scientific Officer of the Wellness Company




JUN 19, 2024

Dr. Peter McCullough is a distinguished internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist. He is globally recognized for his leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing expert advice when few other doctors would publicly stand for the truth. Coauthor of The Courage to Face COVID-19, he advocates for patient well-being over governmental, pharmaceutical, or deep state interests.

Note: this is a 4-part series. In Part III below, we discuss the implications of the failed WHO Pandemic Treaty, the role of private corporations and government actors in manipulating public opinion, and how individuals can best prepare their bodies and minds for future medical crises.

MA: You mentioned the WHO promoted a now discredited theory about COVID’s origins as well as unhelpful advice on ambulatory COVID-19 treatment. For now, the WHO has been stopped from overriding national sovereignty via its failed Pandemic Treaty. Could another treaty, if passed, lead to extreme measures like climate change lockdowns in the name of “health”?

PM: That's my read on it. Never before has an outside body tried to influence our internal governmental operations this way. Within this country, we have a federal government and state governments. More, we have sovereignty. Sovereignty means we govern ourselves. This is the first time in history we have seen such a global power grab.

Even so, history is replete with examples of public health emergencies being seized as a mechanism for national control. For instance, during the French Revolution the mechanism for the new regime to seize power was a public health emergency. Clearly, with SARS-CoV-2, it was declared a “public health emergency.” Then the next thing you know, you can't board an airplane, you can't work, and you’re told you must stay at home.

MA: For your health and safety, of course.

PM: Right. This control mechanism lasted for quite a long period. Especially in countries like Australia. There if you didn't take what they call a “vaccine”, you couldn't fly for a long time. But what if you had to fly for your work?  What if you had to fly to say goodbye to a loved one?

In Canada many of the same draconian measures were also used to control people at an unprecedented scale. We saw all kinds of tyrannical shifts even here in the United States with businesses refusing to allow customers into their stores if they weren’t masked up or vaccinated. This had never happened before.

MA: Speaking of the so-called vaccine, how did the CDC and other health agencies respond to the myocarditis risk associated with the shot?

PM: The CDC and FDA came out in June of 2021 saying the vaccines cause myocarditis, or heart damage. That's their official statement. Myocarditis largely affects young men—90% of those afflicted are males, ages 18 to 24.

I'm a cardiologist and it's well-known in my field that with myocarditis, athletes cannot exercise who suffer from this condition. They simply cannot without suffering major health problems. A surge of adrenaline caused by physical activity can trigger a cardiac arrest. So, when this warning came out, I thought for sure that professional sports teams would never mandate vaccines. I also thought athletes would be exempt due to the risk of heart damage or death. After all, due to their profession, athletes must exercise, thus jeopardizing themselves.

MA: What other decisions surprised you regarding vaccine mandates?

PM: Sure enough, the NFL came out in August of 2021 with similar mandates. It's just astonishing this happened. It’s further astonishing that so many companies would force their employees to get an experimental shot.

Here's another astounding inflection point. Around this same time, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky publicly acknowledged vaccines don't stop transmission of the COVID-19 virus. But that's the only rationale for an employer or the federal government to mandate vaccines—to stop disease spread. But if people are fully vaccinated and they still spread it around, then it’s a useless endeavor from a public health perspective. And yet, most places mandated the vaccines even after it was known that A) they can cause myocarditis, and B) they don't stop disease transmission.

MA: I still can’t believe any of this insanity actually happened. It's almost been five years since COVID first appeared. Do you think we've reached a critical mass of people worldwide who are aware of how corporations and government actors manipulate public opinion? Have enough people woken up? Why or why not?

PM: It's mixed. I can tell you that in my congressional testimony, I brought up a recent Rasmussen poll based on valid population-based sampling. It was from January 2024. It said 53% of Americans believe vaccines are causing serious side effects, leading to large numbers of deaths.

That means 47% still don't accept the truth. Still, a slight majority do understand what’s really going on. These days, very few people are taking more COVID vaccines. They just got a sense that either A) they're not needed, or B) they may be unsafe. Yet, according to the current CDC schedule, someone my age should be onto their ninth shot. If they are immunocompromised, they should be onto their 12th shot. Meanwhile, the CDC is going to soon meet with Pfizer, Moderna, and Novavax to decide on what the next booster configuration should be.

MA: That’s astounding. How has mass vaccination influenced the development and spread of new COVID variants?

PM: The Omicron outbreak was almost certainly caused by mass vaccination. The very first people who got that new variant were fully vaccinated. Years ago, prior to Omicron, natural immunity throughout the globe was strong, enabling people’s immune systems to fight off COVID-19.

We relied on natural immunity through the Alpha and Delta strains in the United States, Gamma in Brazil, and Beta in South Africa. We did great. Natural immunity was holding up, then Omicron broke through natural immunity. A respiratory illness pandemic like COVID should only be about a two-year event, similar to the Spanish flu in 1918.

But instead, we're on year five. Experts like me have concluded mass vaccination should never be performed during a widely prevalent pandemic. The reason is if we mass vaccinate when much of the virus is still around, there are enough cases in which the virus will figure out how to become more resistant. Now, if you vaccinate in a situation where the disease is not very prevalent, then the virus doesn't have a chance to persist. Therefore it was a big mistake to mass vaccinate during a highly prevalent pandemic.

MA: How can regular people prepare their bodies and their minds for a future medical crisis, whatever that may be?

PM: Let's talk about the body first. We learned during COVID that we need to be leaner, fitter, and in better shape. The people who had the hardest time with COVID were older, more feeble, obese, those with diabetes, people who have trouble breathing at baseline, and those who have trouble breathing at night. They really ran into trouble with COVID. Everybody out there who can drop a few pounds—go out and do aerobic and strength exercising. This is critical.

MA: What foods and supplements do you recommend?

PM: Another way to prepare the body is through nutrition. There have been a few papers written on how those with the healthiest diets fared better. What I mean by “healthy diets” are those with high-quality sources of protein, like fish, beans, nuts, egg whites, occasionally meats and chicken, fresh fruits and vegetables. I also advise avoiding sugars, starches, items made from flour, rice, and potatoes, as well as saturated fats. Also steer clear of fast foods and processed foods.

Then there's a certain advantageous supplement pattern. Vitamin C intake played a modest role preventively with acute treatment during COVID. However, the doses had to be pretty high, like 3000 milligrams, multiple times per day. Zinc played a role at least in acute treatment. It works to inhibit one of the enzymes of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza.

Most importantly, vitamin D is key. Every study on Vitamin D has been positive. Vitamin D was also clearly preventive. Where there's been a meta-analysis, people who prophylactically took vitamin D were much less likely to get COVID. Even if they did, the mortality rate was lower. Those with higher levels of vitamin D had the lowest mortality. Vitamin D could actually be given therapeutically.

MA: What role did supplements play in your protocol for treating COVID?

PM: In the first version of the McCullough Protocol, the most widely used approach to treat COVID in the world, we included vitamin D. Our initial doses were low. As we worked with other experts, we increased the dosage. Then there was a polyphenol supplement called quercetin. It's not a supplement I was very well aware of, yet it played a role elsewhere in the world. Indians did a lot of work with curcumin, derived from turmeric. That clearly is antiviral as well. As a supplement, the enzymes nattokinase and bromelain actually strip the virus’ spike protein. These played a large role. Undoubtedly, the body can be fortified with the right diet, exercise, and baseline supplements.

MA: How can individuals prepare their minds for future health crises?

PM: This also concerns what we put in our bodies; in this case via our brains.

One of the interesting things we’ve seen in COVID’s wake is a complete collapse of the mainstream media. Let me give you an example: I went on mainstream, national TV hundreds of times during the pandemic. America saw me frequently. Yet when I’d get the returns on such appearances, it was staggering. Less than a million people were tuning into TV in a country of 330 million people.

MA: How has the shift from mainstream to independent media affected public awareness?

PM: Most kids and young people don't even have cable TV. For those that watch the Joe Rogan podcast, the average viewer age is 24. Joe normally gets 10 million listens per episode. But it's usually a three-hour interview with a transcript. Who has time to watch all that?

Turns out a lot of people do. Joe enjoys that kind of popularity. Within a few days of my going on his show, we had 40 million listens. It exploded even more as people sliced the content up. Some estimates pegged the total number reached at 160 million.. It set a new record—even for him! This shows independent media is becoming very powerful. This phenomenon is happening all over the world. The mainstream media is collapsing. Still, censorship of independent media is rampant and growing stronger.

MA: How are governments responding to the rise of independent media?

PM: I'm on set in Florida right now. Last night I filmed a segment with Dr. Drew and some others. I had a chance to meet key people with Locals and Rumble. Rumble, as you know, is an alternative video platform to YouTube. Do you know that yesterday, Australia banned Rumble? I had gone to France earlier last year; it was banned there too. It's also banned in Brazil. Governments worldwide are showing their hand: they are the ones that want to censor information. They’re the ones that want to stifle free speech and the truth.

MA: Here’s to not letting that happen, Dr. McCullough. We need more people to wake up before it’s too late.

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