Reprinted from Bailiwick News - On reading PREP Act declarations as declarations of war issued by treasonous, seditious agents acting in unofficial, personal capacities.


JUL 02, 2024

Orientation for new readers - American Domestic Bioterrorism Program - Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law

Jeff Childers’ analysis of Trump v. US and other recent SCOTUS rulings relating to constitutional government, executive legislation, administrative state and presidential exposure to criminal prosecution:

Note - Linking to Childers’ analysis does not equal endorsement of his views or concurrence in his analysis. Childers is addressing some issues that I also study, and therefore his work may be of interest to Bailiwick readers.

I’m posting some excerpts from some of my prior writing on these topics. There is more information in each full report linked below, and more information in other reports, for readers who want more information.

Also, more developments have occurred in Jackson v. Pfizer since I last wrote about Brook Jackson’s case.

Those events in Jackson’s case — especially the US DOJ’s March 12, 2024 Motion to Intervene and to Dismiss clarifying, at p. 8, that mass poisoning with intentionally toxic, non-regulated products is US government “public health policy” — have reinforced the merits of some legal strategies I began outlining in 2022.


The anticipated discovery and litigation obligations associated with the continued litigation of this case will impose a significant burden on FDA, HHS, and DOJ. The United States should not be required to expend resources on a case that is inconsistent with its public health policy.

See also:

March 17, 2024 - Department of Justice: fraud and resulting death/injury from covid shots are part of the US public health policy (Sasha Latypova)

…I suggest you all re-read this a few times to truly grasp the depth of depravity outlined in the argument by the DOJ. They are stating that they know that pharmaceutical fraud has been committed, and that deaths and injuries resulted from it.

They are also stating that mass death and injury are in fact fully known to the pharmaceutical regulators, and that no corrective action is required because this is consistent with the United States of America’s public health policy…

March 30, 2024 - US Government Confirms that Preventing Fraud & Vaxxx Death "Is Inconsistent With its Public Health Policy." (Anthony Colpo)

The true role of the US Government, as a predatory arm of the satanic, psychopathic GloboPedo cabal, is to milk its subjects of their rightful earnings and to participate in the aforementioned's depopulation and power grab schemes.

I’m still not aware of any lawyers in the United States (or in any other countries) who are interested in using the legal research Sasha Latypova and I have compiled, or pursuing related legal strategies.

This information is being offered for use by Bailiwick readers making personal and family decisions about government-identified security threats and government-endorsed products and programs, to help more people understand that PREP Act declarations are war declarations that lay out who (public health mercenaries classified as “covered persons”) can use which weapons (“covered countermeasures” on which targets under which geopolitical conditions (“category of disease, health condition or threats”), with full immunity from civil and criminal prosecution.

It’s important to understand these things, because HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and his successors, persuasively pretending to exercise federal executive authority in an official capacity to respond to “public health emergencies,” will — in coming weeks and months — probably issue more PREP Act declaration extensions.

Under the Notice of [11th] Amendment issued May 11, 2023, Covid PREP declarations are currently scheduled to expire Dec. 31, 2024 and will probably be extended again.

HHS Secretary Becerra has already issued and extended PREP Act declarations, for other fake public health threats, including influenza, botulism, anthrax, Zika, nerve agents, and insecticides, all in place through Dec. 31, 2027. See April 12, 2024 - H5N1 Bird Flu Jab: Accelerated Approval, Immune From Liability, & Already Purchased by US Government (Conspiracy Sarah)

And HHS Secretary delegates (FDA Commissioner; FDA Chief Scientist) will probably issue more related Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Letters of Authorization (LOA), covering more covered countermeasure product classes and specific brand-name products. Examples: Dec. 11, 2020 LOA for Pfizer; Dec. 18, 2020 LOA for Moderna, 86 FR 5200.

An April 2024 slide deck (forwarded to me by a reader) indicates that the product classes currently sponsored, continuously manufactured, and deployed by US government officials and their private sector and academic co-conspirators include diagnostic devices, vaccines, delivery systems, sedatives, paralytics, and neuromuscular blockers.

PREP Act declarations and EUA Letters of Authorization are very helpful tools to quickly identify fake threats to ignore (as promulgated solely to deceive targets and elicit fear and compliance) and malign people and intentionally harmful products to avoid.

April 28, 2022 - American Domestic Bioterrorism Program. Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.

…A whole lot of things that once were federal and state crimes and civil rights violations have been legalized by Congress through legislative, statutory revisions to the United States Code, signed by US Presidents, and implemented at the administrative, regulatory level by the Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Defense through the Code of Federal Regulations…

Congress and US Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. government and the American people, through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program, conducted by the HHS Secretary and Secretary of Defense on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers…

July 1, 2024 - SCOTUS decision in Trump v. US

Held: Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts.

July 1, 2023 - Another sign that tide of covert war is turning will be pharmacies that refuse to take delivery of DoD biochemical weapons and pharmacists who refuse to use them on targets. Following the ongoing collapse in biochemical weapon-'vaccine' uptake rates by individuals.

HHS Secretary declarations under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act…[are] basically…declarations of war, with sections laying out the HHS-DoD-DHS designated

Threats (Section VIII, Category of Disease, Health Condition or Threat);

Geographic terrain (Section XI, Geographic Area);

Duration (Section XII, Effective Time Period and Section XIII, Additional Time Period of Coverage);

Deployed personnel (Section V, Covered Persons);

Weapon classes (Section VI, Covered Countermeasures);

Rules of combat engagement with targeted enemies (Section IX, Administration of Covered Countermeasures); and

Enemy-civilian targets (Section X, Population).

May 25, 2022 - Pfizer’s Motion to Dismiss the Brook Jackson, federal contracting fraud, clinical trial fraud, whistleblower case.

This is court-filed, under-oath corroboration that Pfizer and FDA are jointly engaged in a domestic bioterrorism program against the American people, operated by US-HHS and US-DOD on behalf of the World Health Organization, falsely presented as a public health campaign. 

And that neither Pfizer nor FDA ever believed anyone had a legal or moral obligation to protect the safety of the people taking the injections, from the very start of the faked clinical trials to the present.

Feb. 3, 2023 - Recap of Jackson v. Pfizer, whistleblower Brook Jackson’s False Claims Act case.

…On Oct. 4, 2022, US Government stepped into the case again — this time taking Pfizer’s side in the dispute, concurring with Pfizer that there was never any fraud to prosecute, because Pfizer was never obligated to conduct valid clinical trials in order to receive payment for the manufactured bioweapons that they refer to as ‘vaccines…’

Oct. 26, 2022 - The goal is getting one good whistle-blower and one good federal judge together, through one solid, well-argued case.

…the Government's Oct. 4, 2022 disclosure opens a litigation path to adding an 18 USC 2333 claim, converting Jackson's False Claims Act case to a criminal terrorism case prosecuted by a private civilian — because federal, state and county prosecutors have been refusing to look at the evidence and bring charges for the last two [now four] years, — adding the US Government and many of its elected and appointed agents as defendants, and exposing the whole criminal conspiracy so that it can be judicially stopped and the executive/administrative, DOD, HHS and legislative branch perpetrators can be held to account…

Oct. 27, 2022 - How can HHS, DOD and DHS be ‘foreign terrorist organizations?’ Through the treasonous (18 USC 2381) primary allegiance of their secretaries, and other senior executives, to the World Health Organization and its conspiring globalist institutions.

[Reader question]…Doesn't 18 USC 2333 apply only to "an injury arising from an act of international terrorism committed, planned, or authorized by an organization that had been designated as a foreign terrorist organization under section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act"?

My reply:

Yes, and that’s why I also advocate for including Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury and Attorney General as named defendants when the right case comes along.

Those individuals should be charged on a count of breach of duty and related civil counts, for their failure to properly designate the DOD, HHS and Department of Homeland Security as foreign terrorist organizations…

Jan. 16, 2023 - Dual-use government officials of concern. Prosecute war criminals in personal capacity or US Government official capacity?

I think prosecution of the American Covid-19 war criminals — starting with Robert Kadlec, Alex Azar [HHS Secretary under Trump], Marion Gruber and Denise Hinton and moving on from there, as outlined Oct. 12, 2022 — will be more effective if those criminal cases are filed against the perpetrators in their personal capacities, as false impersonators or foreign imposters acting outside the bounds of legitimate government authority, rather than in their official capacities as US government agents acting within the authorized scope of their duties…

Now that I know, beyond any doubt, that it's because our governments are at war with us, and that their war plans included establishing triggers to quietly and illegitimately, suspend all constitutional and regulatory provisions that would have protected us from the attack, I'm focused on educating more people about that reality, and thinking through legal strategies that can expose and nullify that war footing as being an illegal war that does not comply with just war doctrine, such that acts undertaken in support of it are war crimes, in addition to being grave mortal sins.

For my own contributions to the fight against the Monster, I'm most interested in developing and supporting cases that force government defendants and defense counsel to first, admit that the evidence (the record of their public acts and documents) conclusively shows they've launched a covert war with their people, which is becoming widely seen and understood.

The government attorneys would then be compelled to choose between two defenses:

The war on the world is legal and the use of bioweapons to carry out official, authorized duties and orders to maim and kill billions of people, is justified and endorsed by the US government as an institution.

The war is illegal, such that the official government acts undertaken by named defendants, to conduct the war, have been done without proper authority, by rogue actors, who can and will be removed from power and tried for their war crimes.

To the extent the Department of Justice responded to a criminal prosecution of Kadlec, Azar, Gruber and Hinton by using the second argument, the war criminals would be subject to prosecution in their personal capacity, without recourse to sovereign, legislative, administrative or other immunities.

They would be cut loose from the government, and legally construed as people who committed the war crimes outside their official capacities, while impersonating federal officials, or while serving as agents of foreign invaders or occupiers.

The advantage offered by cutting the war criminals loose, is that it would leave the core governing institutions (legislatures, courts and executives) and the US Constitution intact…

Some of my thinking about this comes from the many carve-outs built into criminal and civil statutes, to exempt senior executive service (SES) officials, cabinet secretaries, Congress members, judges, military officials and state and local government agents from prosecution for acts that are criminal when committed by anyone else…

These carve-outs…represent a suppressed but useful scalpel with which honorable government officials can excise the cancer from the body politic.

The “government” cannot form malicious intent, because the only legitimate, valid basis for the existence and continuation of any government is the protection and prosperity of the people living on the soil within its sovereign territory.

All intentions and acts formed or committed for purposes other than the protection and prosperity of the people, are by definition no longer government intentions and acts.

Individual human beings occupying government positions certainly can form malicious intent. They often do, and demonstrably have, to unfathomable depths that have become visible since January 2020.

The deeper and nobler function of the carve-outs in the laws, imply that, starting with the moment in time and place that anyone elected or appointed to office or employed by the government, engages in criminal acts and conspiracies to commit criminal acts, or induce others to participate in crimes (knowingly or unknowingly), he silently and automatically forfeits classification as a government official and removes him or herself from the protective shield that Almighty God has placed around legitimate, valid sovereigns who serve the legitimate, valid purpose of protecting and defending the lives and properties of the people entrusted to their care and jurisdiction.

In other words, a government at war with its people is not a valid, legitimate government.

It’s an invalid, imposter government.

By logical extension, any individual government official demonstrably engaged in war on the people is not part of a valid, legitimate government.

He’s an invalid, imposter official…

To sum up, if an illegal, immoral war is being waged on the people, (it is) and if it’s legally and morally impossible for a VALID government to do such things, in the course of VALID official duties (it is), then by legal and moral definition, the people doing these things are not of, from or inside the US Government.

June 27, 2024 - Intentional infliction of harm is not a legitimate government purpose; enabling it is not a permissible legislative object.

…Whether by public officials or private lawyers, deliberate omissions of knowable and known truths, and deliberate repetition and reinforcement of factual and legal errors lead people astray. They mislead people. They lead individuals and societies into temporal occasions of sin, into commission of criminal acts of self-harm, harm of others, and murder…

The Visitation. Domenico Ghirlandaio.

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By Katherine Watt · Hundreds of paid subscribers

Gen-X Catholic writing about Covid-times law, geopolitics, philosophy and theology.