The truth behind RNA-based vaccine technology (Part 2)
By Klaus Steger, Ph.D.
The next COVID-19 vaccine campaign is ramping up. Americans are being encouraged to be up to date on injections just in time for another round of booster shots.
Meanwhile, BioNTech, an official collaborator of Pfizer, admits that its messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines are made with modified RNA (modRNA), and Moderna just announced that its updated vaccines will be shipped across the country.
modRNA vaccines and boosters—more aptly called RNA-based injections—can seriously threaten the health of anyone who receives them. These injections cause harm in five significant ways.
1. Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) Can Smuggle modRNA Into Any Cell
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) were hailed as tiny superheroes that would deliver mRNA molecules coding for the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 into our cells. However, they are more like Trojan horses that sneak past biological barriers and smuggle modRNA into our cells.
LNPs are made of lipids (fats) arranged to form a sphere. LNPs hide the modRNA from our body’s immune system until the modRNA can enter our cells when the lipid sphere merges with our cells’ lipid walls. The substances that make up LNPs are phospholipids, cholesterol, PEGylated lipids, and cationic lipids. The most problematic of these are cationic lipids, which are possibly cytotoxic. A 2022 editorial raised massive concerns that the cationic lipids in the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines cause acute inflammatory responses.
Due to their small size (less than 100 nanometers), LNPs can easily overcome biological barriers and theoretically reach every cell of our body—including cells in our brain and heart.
COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters Were Never Made With mRNA
Pfizer Documents Show COVID-19 Vaccines Contain Potentially Harmful ‘Modified’ RNA, not mRNA
What has been advertised as an innocent means of delivering medicine to our cells is dangerous and can have long-term consequences.
2. modRNA Forces Healthy Cells to Synthesize a Viral Protein
The creators of the synthetic modRNA in COVID-19 injections replaced naturally occurring uridines, found in the mRNA of all living organisms, with synthetic methyl-pseudouridines.
This modification helps make the RNA more stable (so it lasts longer before it breaks down and can be translated more effectively) and less likely to trigger unwanted reactions from the body’s immune system. modRNA forces healthy cells to synthesize a viral protein. This causes a tremendous negative consequence, as described in the first article of this series.
3. Spike Protein Transforms Cells From Friend to Foe
Each cell represents only one piece of the entire organism. It is analogous to an orchestra, where each musician has a specific responsibility. If only one musician plays incorrectly, he disturbs the whole orchestra. Similarly, if a cell produces foreign proteins (like spike protein due to viral infection) or unspecific proteins (e.g., cancer cells), our immune system destroys this cell for the benefit of the whole organism.
Take spike protein as an example. Spike protein presented at the cell surface can act as a label that signals the immune system to initiate the destruction of that cell. Foreign proteins attached to cells of our body will be discerned by killer T cells. A cascade of enzymes in the blood serum, known as the complement system, permeabilizes the cell membrane and finally destroys that cell.
The basis of a vaccine is to protect us from an infection caused by a virus. Therefore, each RNA-based vaccine will, in the end, result in the production of a viral protein that will be recognized by our immune system and result in the production of antibodies.
The fact that all RNA-based (modRNA) injections—boosters and every other RNA-based shot in the future—will force healthy cells to synthesize a foreign protein of a viral pathogen, present it on the cell surface, and initiate an immune response—is tantamount to a death sentence for that cell.
Note that this will also happen during a natural infection; however, generated antibodies will bind to a virus (prevent infection of new cells and stop replication) but will not bind to LNPs provided by each new shot and, therefore, cannot stop the continuous production of spike or any other protein produced by our cells.
Concerning COVID-19 “vaccines,” the antigen of interest is the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, which by itself is toxic.
In addition to the desired neutralizing antibodies, non-neutralizing antibodies may be generated, resulting in antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), which makes the host’s body more susceptible to illness related to follow-up infections or booster injections.
4. Synthesized Viral Protein Causes a Hyper-Inflammatory Immune Response
The continuous presence of the synthesized viral protein (or parts of it) in the bloodstream (or the body) causes a hyper-inflammatory immune response.
Whereas a natural infection isn’t likely to remain in our system over many months, booster shots keep our immune system constantly active, leading to hyper-inflammation (demonstrated in the figures below).
According to Harvard Women’s Health Watch, a “chronic state of inflammation can lead to numerous health problems, including heart disease, arthritis, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and even cancer.”
A recent review compared the immune response in viral infection and conventional protein-based vaccination against repeated boosters of RNA-based injections (illustrated in the figure below).
The immune response in viral infection and conventional protein-based vaccination versus repeated boosters of RNA-based injections. (Courtesy of Dr. Michael Palmer)
Left: In the case of a viral infection or a conventional protein-based vaccination, the immune system is active from the first contact with the virus. However, it will take some time until our immune system creates the appropriate antibody that is able to bind and neutralize the virus and then produce enough of this antibody to stop the virus from entering new cells and, therefore, from being replicated further. Of note, the immune response (blue-shaded area) increases even after the viral load (red-shaded area) decreases, limiting the intensity of inflammation. A similar scenario occurs in the case of secondary contact with the virus; however, the immune memory response (blue line) prevents virus replication early on and keeps the viral load (red line) at a much lower level.
Right: In the case of repeated RNA-based boosters (with already existing immunity), any modRNA vaccine will deliver the entire amount of modRNA within seconds, followed by spike protein production within a few hours. Consequently, an elevated spike protein and high immune response occur simultaneously, resulting in hyper-inflammation.
In summary, modRNA injections trick the body into remaining in “fight” mode, never letting the body return to a normal balance. The constant fight wears the body down, leading to serious health consequences or even death.
Two studies are reporting that continuous presentation of the same antigen will result in a decrease of immunoglobulin (IgG1) antibodies (which fight the antigen) and an increase of IgG4 antibodies (these ignore the antigen). The consequences are still not fully known, but increasing the IgG4 subclass is thought to result in expanded viral persistence and to explain breakthrough infections in individuals who have received multiple COVID-19 injections. This occurs from the third injection (the first booster) onward.
5. modRNA Could Merge With Our Genome
In the rare event that a viral gene sequence integrates into a host’s genome, it can have significant consequences for the cell. This integration can either disrupt the cell’s normal metabolic functions or, in more severe cases, transform a previously healthy cell into a cancerous one.
Think of it like a computer virus inserting malicious code into a program; suddenly, the program starts behaving erratically and might even break down completely.
Alternatively, after a viral sequence integrates into our DNA, it might lie dormant and cause no immediate harm. It’s like a sleeping dragon, peaceful for now but potentially waking up later, especially during stressful times.
In an astonishing twist, the integrated viral sequence doesn’t just stay with us. When the viral sequence embeds itself in a host’s sperm or egg cell (oocyte), it has the potential to be passed down to our children like an unexpected family heirloom written into our very DNA.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to state as fact that “COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way,” posting on its blog that “Vaccine mRNA is non-infectious and is broken down quickly in the body. It does not become part of the cell or affect a person’s genes or DNA.”
However, this has been proven wrong.
First, in 2022, a study using human liver cells (specifically, a cell line called Huh7) made a significant finding related to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine known as BNT162b2. Researchers discovered that the modRNA from this vaccine could be converted back into DNA, a process known as reverse transcription, and this could happen in as little as six hours.
Second, the question of whether “vaccine-RNA” can be converted back into DNA took an interesting turn. A recent review demonstrated a proportion of contaminating DNA of up to 35 percent of the nucleic acids in both the Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna COVID-19 RNA-based vaccines.
Contaminating bacterial plasmid DNA left over from the manufacturing process could create multiresistant germs, as plasmids contain sequences encoding for antibiotic resistance. This plasmid DNA matches the modRNA sequence, encoding the spike protein. DNA is more stable than RNA, increasing the chance it enters our cell nucleus (where it is located naturally) and integrates into our genome. As a result, some of the spike protein that can be found in our body may originate from that contaminating DNA.
According to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) assessment report (pdf) on the COVID-19 vaccine by Pfizer-BioNTech, “No genotoxicity studies have been provided. This is acceptable as the components of the vaccine formulation are lipids and RNA that are not expected to have genotoxic potential.”
This is highly surprising, as modRNA injections, following cellular uptake, can be expected to cause genotoxic effects along the following pathways:
Cationic lipids, a component of the LNPs, are known to induce the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which negatively affect DNA integrity.
The active substance of the “vaccine,” modRNA, can be reverse-transcribed into DNA and inserted into our genome.
Contaminating DNA in the RNA vaccines can be inserted into our genome. This is the rule rather than the exception, as no suitable procedure exists to reliably separate mass-produced RNA (of any kind) from plasmid DNA.
Governmental “vaccination programs” forcing healthy people around the world to undergo an unproven gene therapy treatment must be stopped immediately, as any new technology applied to healthy individuals requires a valid benefit-risk analysis by long-term surveillance in preclinical and clinical trials.
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