COVID-19 Vaccines Failing? Majority of Deaths in NSW in Boosted Persons

The New South Wales (NSW) government recently shared the latest COVID-19 statistics, which revealed some troubling signals and what appeared to be errors in the summary report. The most populated of Australian states with approximately 8.1 million people, NSW is the southeastern state that includes Sydney, the nation’s capital and largest city. NSW Health keeps track of COVID-19 statistics. The agency’s recent “NSW COVID-19 Weekly Data Overview: Epidemiological week 21, ending May 28, 2022” reviewed some troubling data. 97 out of 98 deaths that occurred over the previous two weeks due to COVID-19 involved fully vaccinated persons. Moreover, those that have three doses appear most at risk for hospitalization admission, ICU transfer, and death. It was not supposed to work this way. The elderly are dying from Omicron, a milder pathogen. The New York Times recently acknowledged this fact as TrialSite reminds all that this has become a deadly pandemic for the elderly who are not only fully vaccinated but also boosted. An investigation into these numbers is warranted.

In NSW Health’s “Repository Surveillance Report—week ending 28 May 2022,” the public health agency summarized a disturbing number of breakthrough deaths—that is, fully vaccinated persons that have died from COVID-19. 

TrialSite has been the only media in the West dedicated to medical research that continues to bring attention to ongoing breakthrough infection, hospitalization, and mortality crisis in Australia and New Zealand. This media has reported that more Australians died in the first three months of 2022 than in all of 2020 or 2021—in fact, double the number of persons, which is quite disturbing given that the fully vaccinated rate for persons ages eighteen and above is over 90%. Moreover, the population Down Under is one of the most boosted on the planet. 

While there is no doubt that COVID-19 vaccines have helped push down total deaths, this seems to be changing in 2022. A disturbing shift is occurring, and the mainstream media is starting to notice the trend, such as the recent New York Times piece covered by TrialSite. While politicians pointed fingers at the unvaccinated—unfairly—what now unfolds is a pandemic of the vaccinated. At least, in select clusters.

High NSW Vaccination Rates

Before delving into the troubling numbers, a review of current vaccination rates in NSW. They include the following:

Age Cohort

Fully COVID-19 Vaccinated




















These rates have been very high, indicative of some of the world’s most immunized populations since the end of 2021.

More Concerning Signals

NSW Health summarized that, “There were 98 COVID-19 deaths reported this week. Of these, 97 were eligible for a third dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, but only 64 (66%) had received a third dose. Just five of the deaths involved persons under the age of 65. Presently, the Omicron variant is the dominant COVID-19 pathogen in circulation.”

However, in reviewing the weekly itemized breakdown, the data doesn’t add up.

In the table titled, “Table 1. Number of people with a COVID-19 diagnosis in the previous 14 days who were admitted to hospital, admitted to ICU, or reported as having died in the week ending 28 May 2022,” the data doesn’t synch with the summary data.

For example, the summary data notes that 97 out of the 98 deaths were all eligible for the third dose, meaning that they were all fully vaccinated. Yet under “vaccination status” in the table, only 17 of the deceased had received their second dose. This represents either an error or some kind of anomaly. TrialSite communicated to the agency and will include any material updates.

But disturbing signals associate with the vaccination status of hospitalized and deceased due to COVID-19.

Vaccination Status

Hospitalized (no ICU)




4 or more doses




3 doses




2 doses




1 dose
















Again, according to the NSW Health summary, 97 out of the 98 died due to COVID-19 and were eligible for a third dose, but that clearly doesn’t synch with the itemized breakdown.  

What follows are COVID-19 deaths for the reporting period (preceding 14 days) by vaccination status.

The following chart shows hospitalization in NSW by vaccination status:

What about hospitalization and ICU admission? See the table:

A review of the data covering the fourteen days leading up to May 28, 2022, is problematic. First, it’s overwhelmingly vaccinated persons that end up admitted into the hospital, put into the ICU, or die from COVID-19. Of course, this is because the great majority of the population is fully vaccinated.

But wasn’t the point of full vaccination to protect high-risk, vulnerable populations, such as the elderly? What becomes clear from this data is that the majority of hospitalization admissions, ICU cases, and deaths occur among persons with three doses.

In the summary data, NSW Health reports that 97 out of the 98 deaths were vaccinated, and all but five of the deaths involved persons ages 65 and up. 

Out of 98 deaths in NSW over the past couple of weeks, 96 state residents that passed due to COVID-19 were age 60 or above, representing 98% of the total. 

For ICUs, 34 out of 41 or 63.4% were age 60 and above. 65% of all residents that were hospitalized with COVID-19 were age 60 and above.


TrialSite has reported that twice the number of Australians died in the first three months of 2022 than all of 2020 and 2021 combined. This is an incredibly disturbing number, given the heavy vaccination rates in this nation.