WEF lead advisor Harari: Humans are now hackable animals; free will is over – Brighteon.TV Sunday, June 19, 2022 by: Belle Carter

(Natural News) Professor Yuval Noah Harari, best-selling author of “Sapiens” and “Homo Deus” and the top adviser to World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab, claimed that human beings can already be hacked and controlled.

“Humans are now hackable animals. You know the whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit and they have free will. So, whatever I choose whether in the election, or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will. That’s over – free will,” he said at a recent speaking engagement.

Harari previously said that, in a couple of decades, people will remember the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis as the moment that everything became monitored; the moment that people agreed to be surveyed all the time.

“And maybe most importantly, all this was the moment when surveillance started going under the skin. Because really, we haven’t seen anything yet. The ability to hack humans to understand deeply what’s happening within you and what makes you go. And for that, the most important data is not what you read and who you meet and what you buy. It’s what’s happening inside your body,” he said.  (Related: Yuval Noah Harari: Humans are now HACKABLE ANIMALS thanks to vaccines.)

According to Harari, the infotech revolution and the revolution in the biological sciences are about to merge. There is going to be technology that converts biological data into digital data that can be analyzed by computers.

“And having the ability to really monitor people under the skin. This is the biggest game-changer of all. Because this is the key to getting to know people better than they know themselves,” Harari said.

During the June 15 episode of the “Thrivetime Show” on Brighteon.TV, Dr. Dave Martin defined transhumanism as finding something fundamentally deficient about the organic human created in the image and likeness of God.

“Transhumanism is a means by which we exterminate homo sapiens as a species, and go into a post-human experience of reality, where the only thing relevant is the computational synthetic process of a selected set of inputs controlled by a cloud computer,” he said.

“Thrivetime Show” host Clay Clark said that’s exactly what the globalists are currently doing. Clark played a video where Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology, confirmed the transhumanism efforts.

“There’s a joint report in Germany from the government of the United Kingdom about transhumanism. That’s not hidden and transhumanism is not a conspiracy. And they talk about the RNA vaccines as an entry point to kind of opening that space, ethically and otherwise. So, that’s part of the transhumanism agenda,” Malone said in the video.

Martin agreed, adding that humans have functionally become organic robots and less and less organic over a period of time.

“So ultimately, in the dreams of many of these people, we are nothing more than silicon-based life forms that actually persist in some sort of computer simulation of an infinitely hedonistic world,” Martin said.

At the WEF 2022, Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark told the audience that the smartphones of today will not be the same common interface in the near future. “Many of these things will be built directly into our bodies,” Lundmark said.

Clark then referred back to Harari’s claims that humans are now hackable animals. “They’re already saying it out loud,” Clark said.

Officials are compromising their beliefs and values to give way to the new world order

Government officials and people in law enforcement are now compromising their values and morals that used to define humanity.

“What they [officials] have is fear. But it is a fear that if they speak out their political, social and community status will be harmed. And the fact of the matter is, that is a fallacy. We have over 50 percent of the population of America that is waiting to see real leadership stand up,” Martin said.

Some of these officials also want to empower agencies like the World Health Organization (WHO).

Helen Clark, former New Zealand prime minister, spoke about the need for this move at WEF 2022.

“We have to believe that it’s possible to stop a localized outbreak [from] becoming a raging global pandemic. And that means better surveillance, more transparency, frankly, by all member states, if they think something’s happened, it’s got it’s got to be reported. And the WHO needs the power to be on-site,” she said.

Fortunately, politicians are divided on this issue.

In Austria, Parliament Member Gerald Hauser slammed Health Minister Johannes Rauch over the latter’s admission that health policy competencies are being handed over to the WHO.

“This is a clear abolition of our parliamentary democracy,” Hauser said in a recent parliament session. “In my view, the government has no mandate to negotiate this. Who gave them legitimacy to negotiate the ceding of our rights, our state, to the WHO? And, thus, to a supranational institution that was not elected by the people.”

Visit Transhumanism.news for more news related to altering the minds to gain human control.

Watch the full June 15 episode of “Thrive Time Show” below. Catch new episodes of the program from Monday to Friday at 3-3:30 pm and Saturday at 12-12:30 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

More related stories:

World Economic Forum believes people are “useless eaters,” and views their “brains and bodies” as product that can be hacked, controlled and discarded.

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