Retired UK Police Inspector to MHRA: An Independent and Transparent Investigation is Needed into The Ongoing Threat to Human Life from Covid Injections BY RHODA WILSON

“What I see now is a total unyielding mess of disgrace in those that hold public office,” retired UK Police Inspector Colin Edge wrote in an email to his MP. 

In a subsequent letter to MHRA’s Chief Executive, he called for an independent investigation into “the ongoing threat to human life from the experimental gene-based therapy injections created for Covid-19 … brevity, speed and accuracy is needed.” Adding, “the UK public look forward to your response.”

In July last year, Edge sent a report of his investigation into the use of PCR tests to approximately 450 UK Members of Parliament (“MPs”), media outlets, UK Police Associations and the General Medical Council: 

“As the pandemic progressed, I began my usual and innate search, out of curiosity for information that was coming from virologists, doctors, scientists and statisticians that believed certain aspects of Covid- 19 were different to those being presented through government briefings and main media platforms.

“As an investigator of experience, I was able to separate what I believed was fact from fiction and propaganda. I spent more than cursory hours looking into these issues and over time built a picture of possibly unfathomable errors that have been made in controlling freedoms of UK citizens.”

‘Society in a Centrifuge’ (PCR – Protocols) – A Police Officer’s Perspective, Colin Edge

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The tenacious Mr. Edge has not left matters there.  On 18 March Edge wrote to Stephen Lightfoot, Chair of MHRA board meetings.  On 27 May 2022, he wrote to Thomas Tugendhat, MP for Tonbridge and Malling.  And on 9 June 2022, he wrote to June Raine, Chief Executive of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (“MHRA”).  Raine chairs the Executive Committee, which is the highest decision-making body in MHRA.

At the time of writing, all three had failed to give any response.

With his permission, we are publishing Edge’s email sent to Thomas Tugendhat MP and his letter sent to June Raine. 

Tom Tugendhat MP, Chairman of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee

“MHRA have failed to provide any response to my concerns … Sir Christopher Chope recently stood up in parliament as a champion for the injured. He was castigated by the speaker of the house. A most damaging and disgusting response … What I see now is a total unyielding mess of disgrace in those that hold public office.”

Dear Mr Tugendhat,

Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) – Failure of Duties and Responsibilities to appropriately investigate vaccine injury and death

Please see the attached letter I sent to the MHRA in March after reviewing the contents of their MHRA board meetings. They have failed to provide any response to my concerns. I think you will find my letter self-explanatory.

Sir Christopher Chope recently stood up in parliament as a champion for the injured. He was castigated by the speaker of the house. A most damaging and disgusting response – that filled me with utter disbelief.

Please inform me what proactive steps you have made to enquire into the ongoing threat to life and limb from experimental medical products.

All my life I have applied myself to the highest ethics. What I see now is a total unyielding mess of disgrace in those that hold public office. The gravity of their ignorance is sign posted in every piece of research I undertake.

Please offer your reassurance as the elected MP for this area that you will invest time into these matters.

The MHRA use a redundant data set (yellow card system). Its usage as a primary forensic tool defies logic and integrity.

Your intervention is urgently needed.

Thank You

Colin Edge, 17 May 2022


Dame June Raine, Chief Executive MHRA

“Brevity, speed and accuracy is needed to investigate the ongoing threat to human life from the experimental gene-based therapy injections created for Covid-19 … The investigation must be transparent, thorough and the full facts made available to UK citizens, once completed … The investigation should rightly be totally independent and free from political interference … The health and safety of every citizen is paramount … The UK public look forward to your response.”

To: June Raine

Dear Madam, 

I previously wrote to Mr Stephen Lightfoot on 18th March 2022. No response has been forthcoming. 

Brevity, speed and accuracy is needed to investigate the ongoing threat to human life from the experimental gene-based therapy injections created for Covid-19.

I am a retired UK Police Inspector. In June 2021, I distributed an investigation report to approximately 450 UK MPs, UK Police Associations, media outlets and the General Medical Council. This report contained an investigation I had undertaken into PCR Protocols. I left the Metropolitan Police Service in February 2020, after 30 years of service. My investigation report was published in The Expose UK on December 6th 2021 (entitled ‘Society in a Centrifuge – PCR Protocols).

A multi-agency approach is paramount to the investigation of adverse events, death and regressed fertility. The investigation must be transparent, thorough and the full facts made available to UK citizens, once completed. Where appropriate it must identify failings and misconduct. It must use plain language and where misconduct is identified it must say so, identifying named individuals (regardless of status) and named organisations. If a sufficient threshold has been reached that demonstrates criminal behaviour (i.e., misconduct in public office), a full report with supporting evidence should be provided to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and Attorney General. 

The investigation team should not have compromised staff as investigators, (this includes those that function in a supervisory or management function). Any person/s directed in this capacity should not have financial involvement with any practice or specialty area, they are investigating (i.e., vaccines, drugs, PPE). Any investigator, supervisor or manager would be prohibited from being involved in public policy-making process. The investigation should rightly be totally independent and free from political interference. This rightly excludes NHS portfolio managers and health policymakers. This is central to integrity.

Adverse event reporting systems are well known for under-reporting of injury and death. It is critical to the confidence of UK citizens, that these matters are pursued with integrity and a systematic approach to finding out the full extent of the damage already caused (and potentially caused).

Full disclosure is the cornerstone of any investigation. This does not appear to have manifested. A myopic mindset has been adopted throughout. We have trusted some half-truths and stopped searching for the whole truth. Global vaccine adverse events databases demonstrate the high number of those who have already died from the current vaccine rollout. Between 26% and 33% of deaths take place within 24 – 48 hours of vaccination. Under these circumstances, they satisfy the Bradford Hill postulates in relation to causation. The current medical intervention is still in an experimental phase, using new gene-based technology. No one at this stage knows the long-term side effects.

It is a critical part of risk, crisis and disaster management that these issues are addressed and documented. The health and safety of every citizen is paramount. The risk v benefit ratio of the experimental drugs has not been fully factored. A complete understanding of ‘relative’ v ‘absolute’ effectiveness has to be correlated with a determined pursuit by every available means to investigate death and injury from gene-based products. This can only be achieved by proactive cooperation of other public bodies. Relying on a redundant dataset defies logic and integrity.

[Edge simply provided a link to the video below.  We have included an image with a link for the benefit of our readers.  Click on the image below to watch the video on Rumble.]

Canadian Covid Car Alliance: The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good, 16 December 2021 (39 mins)

A number of agencies are likely to have members that have the required skills to undertake such complex investigation or advise /advertise for such investigators. I have attached a list of organisations that may be able to offer assistance or further direction to obtain data.

It is extremely important to emphasise the role of companies that provide life insurance. A rich vein of evidence is likely to exist in such. These should not be ignored. NHS patient data could abound in signal expression. Private health care providers are also an opportunity. Coroners and undertakers are likely to be in a position to provide family concerns. Ignoring any of these evidential pathways; would be regarded by the public as flagrant dereliction of duties and responsibilities. 

After reviewing a number of your board meetings*, I have no confidence in the MRHA direction. A strategy and tactical investigation plan are desperately required. 

The UK public look forward to your response.

Thank you,

Colin Edge BSc (Hons) Ret: Inspector, 9 June 2022


*Note: Colin Edge informed The Exposé that MHRA board meetings were being published on YouTube for several months. “The last meeting, I could find apparently took place in April 2022. No further meetings appear to have been published,” he said.

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