On 12 June, we conducted a search on US National Institutes of Health’s (“NIH”) website for the term “covid what is the truth.” The top three results returned were:
COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?1 The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history. Russell L. Blaylock.
Covid-19 pandemic: What is the truth?2 The World Health Organisation changed the criteria for this “pandemic,” dropping the need for a high death rate. Russell L. Blaylock.
Covid-19 pandemic: What is the truth?3 The economic, psychological, and institutional damage caused by these unscientific policies is virtually unmeasurable. Russell L. Blaylock. The link on the NIH website is the abstract, only, of the paper listed immediately above.
However, when we conducted the same search on 17 June, five days later, the two papers, one originally listed twice, no longer appeared in the search results.
Left image: NIH search “covid what is the truth”, retrieved 12 June 2022
Right image: NIH search “covid what is the truth”, retrieved 17 June 2022
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At the time of writing all three links provided by the initial search, as noted in the list above, still opened the PubMed pages where the papers are published. Recently a video has been circulating on social media showing that searching for the truth about Covid, NIH’s website lists Blaylock’s articles as the first three items. We have to wonder whether NIH has seen this video and in response has filtered Blaylock’s papers out of their search function.
1 Blaylock RL. COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? Surg Neurol Int. 2022 Apr 22;13:167. doi: 10.25259/SNI_150_2022. PMID: 35509555; PMCID: PMC9062939.
2 Blaylock RL. Covid-19 pandemic: What is the truth? Surg Neurol Int. 2021 Dec 8;12:591. doi: 10.25259/SNI_1008_2021. PMID: 34992908; PMCID: PMC8720447.
3 Blaylock RL. Covid-19 pandemic: What is the truth? Surg Neurol Int. 2021 Dec 8;12:591. doi: 10.25259/SNI_1008_2021. PMID: 34992908; PMCID: PMC8720447.
Covid Update: What is the truth
The first paper that appeared in NIH’s original search results is ‘Covid Update: What is the truth?’ written by Blaylock as published in PubMed. The paper was originally published in Surgical Neurological International on 22 April 2022. We previously republished this article, a section at a time, in a seven-part series titled ‘Covid Truths’:
The second article listed on the search results is an earlier paper, also written by Blaylock, published on 8 December 2021. As with ‘Covid Update: What is the truth?’, we will now be publishing Blaylock’s earlier paper ‘Covid-19 pandemic: What is the truth?’ in sections as a series titled ‘Covid Pandemic Truths’.
Covid-19 pandemic: What is the truth?
The ongoing “pandemic” involving the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus (SARS-CoV-2) has several characteristics that make it unique in the history of pandemics. This entails not only the draconian measures that some countries and individual states within the United States and initiated and made policy, most of which are without precedent or scientific support, but also the completely unscientific way the infection has been handled.
For the 1st time in medical history, major experts in virology, epidemiology, infectious diseases, and vaccinology have not only been ignored, but are also demonised, marginalised and in some instances, become the victim of legal measures that can only be characterised as totalitarian.
Discussions involving various scientific opinions have been eliminated, top scientists have been frightened into silence by threats to their careers, physicians have lost their licenses, and the concept of early treatment has been virtually eliminated.
Hundreds of thousands of people have died needlessly as a result of, in my opinion and the opinion of others, poorly designed treatment protocols, mostly stemming from the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, which have been rigidly enforced among all hospitals. The economic, psychological, and institutional damage caused by these unscientific policies is virtually unmeasurable. Whole generations of young people will suffer irreparable damage, both physical and psychological, possibly forever.
The truth must be told.
Russell Blaylock, a retired American neurosurgeon, wrote the above in an extensive paper, ‘Covid-19 pandemic: What is the truth?’, published on 8 December 2021 in the Surgical Neurological International journal. We are republishing sections, more easily digestible portions, of his paper as a series of articles titled ‘Covid Pandemic Truths’.
This article is the first in our series and covers the section titled ‘Abstract’ in Blaylocks’s paper.
Although we have not included them, Blaylock’s paper is well referenced.
Read Blaylock’s full paper – Russell L. Blaylock. Covid-19 pandemic: What is the truth?. 08-Dec-2021;12:59. – by following this LINK.
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