I do not believe it’s a fault in those who fall for the narrative that they cannot see the lies. People want to believe that governments and experts, for all their well-known flaws and occasionally uncovered corruption, are trying to do the best they can. They cannot accept the truth, that there is a group of powerful people who regard the ordinary members of the public as surplus to requirements. They want to deny evil because it makes them feel bad, sad, and uncomfortable to think about the world this way.” – Dr. Mike Yeadon
Although not all central, there are a large number of ancillary points that reinforce Dr. Yeadon’s conclusions. He assembled some of these points, “additional observations,” and included them towards the end of his paper titled ‘The Covid Lies’.
Dr. Yeadon’s additional observations include fraud assessed; fraud rehearsed; autopsies; PCR test; cause of death; hospital protocols; experimental vaccines; revised definitions; bizarre statements; boosters and antibodies; Neil Ferguson’s track record; and, prescient testimonies. “This list is not exhaustive,” he wrote.
This article relates to Dr. Yeadon’s additional observations: revised definitions and bizarre statements.
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By Dr. Mike Yeadon, 10 April 2022
Revised Definitions
I observed two strange occurrences. First, the WHO altered the definition of “immunity” from “that obtained after natural infection or vaccination,” only mentioning vaccination and excluding “natural immunity”.16 That meant that only vaccination could accomplish the goal. They eventually changed this back, but for many, the damage was done, leaving non-experts not trusting natural immunity, even though it is superior to that from vaccination because the body has been exposed to all parts of the virus and will, therefore, respond to any part of it if reinfected.
The definition of a “vaccine” was also changed so that it wasn’t necessary to prevent infection or transmission, whereas traditional vaccines almost always do this. They do so because they prevent the development of clinical illness and, in the case of respiratory viruses at least, lack of symptoms renders the person all but incapable of infecting anyone else.
In addition, the WHO changed the definition of “pandemic.” Previously, “pandemic” meant the simultaneous spreading across many countries of a pathogen, causing many cases and deaths. The definition was changed to eliminate the need for many deaths. (See Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg [at 45 min, 50 sec], interviewed on UK TV in 2010 after the exaggerated swine flu pandemic, which I now believe was something of a rehearsal for the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic.)17
Click on the image below to watch the video on Odysee.
Do You See What I See Productions: A Necessary Look Back at the Swine Flu Plandemic, 8 August 2021 (68 mins)
This is a critical point, because PCR can be designed against any pathogen, and protocols can be adopted such that a large number of false positives appear. This grants bad actors the ability, relatively easily, to create the illusion of a pandemic, almost to order. Dr. Wodarg recaps his 2009 experiences and shows interesting similarities with recent events in a January 2021 interview.18
Click on the image below to watch the video on Rumble.
PANDACAST: Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, 6 December 2021 (45 mins)
Many people simply don’t believe experts when they talk of a “very high fraction of positive test results being false positives”. I assure you, however, there have genuinely been a number of events where the entire suspected epidemic was an illusion, and 100% of positives were false positives. In 2007, the New York Times reported on an example of “an epidemic that wasn’t” which, when I first read it, gave me a crawling sensation.19 I wonder if it was this genuine event—a false alarm in which experts admitted placing “too much faith in a quick and highly sensitive molecular test that led them astray”— that birthed the method for exaggerating (or even fully faking) a pandemic such as the one we are currently living?
Bizarre Statements
I noticed early on that Bill Gates said, “We won’t return to normal until pretty much the whole planet has been vaccinated”. This is a bizarre statement from a person with no medical or scientific training (or indeed a college degree in anything). It is never necessary to vaccinate the entire population when only the elderly and infirm are at serious risk of death if infected. Note, too, that the median age of deaths from/with Covid was the same or even older than the median age of death due to all causes.
For his part, former UK prime minister Tony Blair insisted that vaccine passports would be essential to restore confidence. Again, this was absurd, especially once we learned that these vaccines do not prevent transmission. Once this became clear, the case for coerced vaccination vanished, and this is still the present position. Yet, my unvaccinated relatives may not enter the US. If you fear infection, the safest person to be around isn’t a vaccinated person but a person who is fit and well, with no respiratory symptoms.
16 “WHO changes definition of herd immunity.” Peter Byel [blog], n.d. https:// peterlegyel.wordpress.com/2021/01/15/who-changes-definition-of-herdimmunity/
17 “W.H.O. / Governments working in collusion with big pharma? | A necessary look back at the swine flu pandemic.” https://www.expandingawarenessrelations.com/ tag/wolfgang/
18 “A conversation with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg.” Pandacast, Jan. 2, 2021. https:// www.pandata.org/wolfgang-wodarg/
19 Silviu “Silview” Costinescu. “NYT 2007: Faith in quick test leads to epidemic that wasn’t.” Silview, Dec. 26, 2020. https://silview.media/2020/12/26/nyt-2007-faithin-quick-test-leads-to-epidemic-that-wasnt/
Dr. Mike Yeadon wrote a paper titled ‘The Covid Lies’ which was published on the Doctors for Covid Ethics website. This paper is a working draft dated 10 April 2022.
At 31 pages long the paper is longer than most would read in one sitting. As it details vital information for all of us, we are republishing his paper in more easily digestible portions in a series of articles, one each day. This is the eleventh in our series, ‘Covid Lies’, and covers topics included in the section of Dr. Yeadon’s paper titled ‘Additional Observations’.