The DIRTY little secret about monkeypox and infectious disease: They’re all rapidly spread via gay sex acts, but the media won’t touch the topic Thursday, May 26, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Try as they might to scare the entire world into fearing monkeypox, the reality is that the disease, like many others, is primarily a risk within the LGBT community – and particularly among homosexual and bisexual men.

If you are not someone who engages in sexual activity with the same sex, and especially strangers of the same sex, chances are that monkeypox will never impact you in any way (aside from whatever fascist restrictions the government imposes) – but you will be hard-pressed to learn this from the government or the media.

The establishment faces a bit of a conundrum with monkeypox because telling the truth about it reveals a politically incorrect truth about the so-called “gay” community (the word gay used to just mean happy, by the way). Engaging in LGBT behavior is a major risk factor for monkeypox and many other diseases.

In fact, one could argue that if LGBTs were not engaging in deviant sexual behavior with one another, there would be a whole lot less infectious disease period.

“You can almost feel the public health authorities squirming right now,” writes Alex Berenson on his Substack. (Related: Monkeypox was planned last year to be the next global plandemic.)

“On the one hand, they’ve almost got another epidemic on the go – the perfect way to distract the shiny-haired robots in the media from the complete failure of the mRNA vaccines … On the other, the monkeypox epidemic – stop me if you’ve heard this before – very much appears to be centered around the sexual practices of gay men.”

Are gays society’s most active disease vectors?

It turns out that many infectious diseases, including syphilis, gonorrhea and HIV, spread most prominently among homosexuals. In California, for instance, gay men are hundreds of times more likely to contract and spread syphilis than a straight man or woman.

Homosexual men are 248 times more likely to contract syphilis than their straight counterparts, and homosexual women are 554 times more likely than straight women to catch the disease.

Compared to coronaviruses, orthopox viruses, the family of viruses to which monkeypox belongs, mutates very slowly. It is not that easily transmissible, either.

Why, then, is monkeypox suddenly a problem? And why are the hotspots where the outbreaks began all homosexual raves where deviancy of all flavors was taking place? The answer is that this is the type of behavior that fuels the spread of monkeypox, despite the media’s reluctance to admit it.

“The good news is that the public health authorities are now likely to pivot fast away from trying to scare people about monkeypox, for fear of stigmatizing gay men (by letting them know too much about what happens at these raves),” Berenson writes.

Disturbingly, some media talking-heads are going out of their way to now suggest that stopping gay behavior would not do much of anything to stop the spread. One of these is Gregg Gonsalves, who wrote on Twitter that shutting down the parties and “tell[ing] gay men to stop having sex at them or dancing in close proximity to each other … won’t work.”

Oh, but you can be sure that these same folks will soon be pushing for ordinary folks who do not engage in perverse activities with their bodies to stay at home, wear a mask, avoid going to school, and take whatever new “vaccines” the government might try to push as the “cure.”

“These hollow, shameless, news-media cretins that have doused their credibility in jet-fuel and set it on fire,” wrote one of Berenson’s readers.

“Investigative journalism and truth are dead in the mainstream media, and yet their incessant wall-to-wall lies and blatant propaganda get broadcasted relentlessly, blanketing the world like an evil curse.”

More of the latest news about the monkeypox psy-op can be found at

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