Covid Lies: Experimental Vaccines, Boosters and Antibodies

“[I] propose that the motives behind [the Covid pandemic measures] are terrible – at the very least, to secure totalitarian control through mandatory, digital IDs (in the guise of useless “vaccine passports,” useless because none of these so-called vaccines reduce transmission, the only possible justification for them).” – Dr. Mike Yeadon

Although not all central, there are a large number of ancillary points that reinforce Dr. Yeadon’s conclusions. He assembled some of these points, “additional observations,” and included them towards the end of his paper titled ‘The Covid Lies’.

Dr. Yeadon’s additional observations include fraud assessed; fraud rehearsed; autopsies; PCR test; cause of death; hospital protocols; experimental vaccines; revised definitions; bizarre statements; boosters and antibodies; Neil Ferguson’s track record; and, prescient testimonies.  “This list is not exhaustive,” he wrote.

This article relates to Dr. Yeadon’s additional observations: experimental vaccines and, boosters and antibodies.

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By Dr. Mike Yeadon, 10 April 2022

Experimental Vaccines

I have been incensed by the misuse of novel, experimental “vaccines,” particularly in Covid-recovered individuals, pregnant women, and children.

  • Recovered individuals are immune, and the risks of adverse events are greatly increased because the body is already poised to attack any cells expressing spike protein.

  • Pregnant women are not at greatly elevated risks from Covid-19 because they tend to be young and healthy. NEVER, since thalidomide (1956–1962), have we approved the use of experimental agents in pregnant women, and certainly not without reproductive toxicology studies. None of the vaccines have a completed “Reprotox” package (summaries on the reproductive effects of chemicals, medications, physical agents, or biologics). I filed a short expert opinion in court with America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) on this topic.14 The vaccine makers also didn’t complete something called an ADME-Tox (Absorption Distribution Metabolism Excretion-

  • Toxicity) package. Documents obtained in March 2022 through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests show that Pfizer was “planning to study” vaccination in maternity as of April 30, 2021—that is, after they had already manufactured and shipped close to 100 million doses.

  • The misuse of these agents in healthy children has, without question, reverse risk/ benefit: the injections kill far more children than the virus could.

The whole thing stinks of a purpose different from public health, because if it was a legitimate public health effort, we definitely would NOT do any of these things. When I co-authored the world’s first treatise explaining some of these concerns, officials lied on the nationally broadcast BBC and other media outlets, smearing me and others like me who were raising questions. Note that the petition in question, filed with the European Medicines Agency (EMA), was co-authored by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, the public health doctor and minor politician from Germany who stopped the fraudulent “swine flu pandemic” in 2009.15

Boosters and Antibodies

The practise of “boosting”—giving people dose after dose of poorly-designed agent, ostensibly to reinforce their immunity—has no immunological basis. No genuine immunity wanes in a few months, or sometimes even in a few weeks. The perpetrators have exploited the public’s understanding of the annual influenza vaccine to somehow normalise something that is both dangerous and ineffective.

I also noticed that early on, in discussing immunity, antibodies were the discussion topic, whereas T-cells were an “extremist plot”. This is another absurdity. I can assemble expert witnesses who will attest alongside me that blood-based antibodies are relatively unimportant, potentially irrelevant to infection by respiratory viruses. This is because the virus infects the air side of the airways and blood-based antibodies cannot leave the blood and enter this “compartment”. Blood antibodies and respiratory viruses never meet except under unusual circumstances. On the contrary, T-cells leave the blood and migrate through infected airway tissue, removing infected cells.



Dr. Mike Yeadon wrote a paper titled ‘The Covid Lies’ which was published on the Doctors for Covid Ethics website.  This paper is a working draft dated 10 April 2022.

At 31 pages long the paper is longer than most would read in one sitting.  As it details vital information for all of us, we are republishing his paper in more easily digestible portions in a series of articles, one each day.  This is the tenth in our series, ‘Covid Lies’, and covers topics included in the section of Dr. Yeadon’s paper titled ‘Additional Observations’.

You can read Dr. Yeadon’s full paper by following this LINK.