Dr. Byram Bridle challenged Canadian health officials to a debate about covid vaccines; “they didn’t show up” Monday, May 23, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) The other day, independent journalist and researcher Steve Kirsch spoke with Dr. Byram Bridle about how the outcome of Canada’s Freedom Convoy is a critical juncture in the global plandemic.

For nearly two-and-a-half hours, Bridle talked to Kirsch about the importance of dissent, the pseudoscience behind the so-called “vaccines” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), and how he attempted to debate Canadian health authorities about the injections, only to have them not show up – you can watch the video on Kirsch’s Substack.

Kirsch first got the chance to speak with Bridle during a CCCA (Canadian Covid Care Alliance) on May 26, 2021. Bridle was unpacking a biodistribution report he received through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from the Japanese government proving that the jabs are not staying in people’s arms.

Instead, the contents of the shots, Bridle revealed, are creating spike proteins all over people’s bodies, which is why the number of people being injured and killed by them is now astronomical.

“This was a critical call for me personally,” Kirsch recalls about the bombshell revelations he came to know about thanks to Bridle’s work. “Prior to the call, I had heard of a disproportionate number of my friends being vaccine injured. But I didn’t have a mechanism of action. The CCCA call was the missing piece for me.”

At least half of Canada supports the Freedom Convoy, Bridle says

Following the call, Kirsch reached out to Dr. Robert Malone to fill him in about Bridle’s statements. Malone immediately recognized the significance of what was revealed and from there, the ball really started to roll in terms of some of the best minds in science blowing the lid on the covid “vaccine” sham.

“Right after he got the data, he wrote up a long report as to what it meant (with tons of scientific references) and started getting the word out,” Kirsch says about Bridle’s work, a condensed version of which is available on the Children’s Health Defense website.

“He was quickly attacked by other faculty members at University of Guelph who signed a joint letter condemning his beliefs. None of the signatories read his report. They even admitted it. He was wrong because his views didn’t comport with what people were told to do.”

In his most recent interview with Kirsch, Bridle explained how Canadian health officials refused to debate him about the alleged merits of the shots that they continue to push, hence why truckers and their supporters are protesting.

“At best they don’t work,” Bridle said plainly about the injections.

When Kirsch asked Bridle about the reports of blood impacts post-injection, Bridle responded that this is highly likely, and that it is even more troubling that there are still no studies disproving the notion.

“I wasn’t allowed to do the studies,” Bridle went on to reveal about how his own scientific endeavors on the matter are being stifled by government and academic authorities. “My proposal was ignored.”

As for the trucker convoy, Bridle says that the whole thing is peaceful, not violent like the corporate-backed media is claiming.

“They have the support of around 50 percent of Canadians,” he added, emphasizing that this is not just some fringe movement. “It’s tearing the country apart. There are fewer people in the middle now. People are picking sides.”

Thanks to Trudeau’s invoking of the Emergencies Act, peaceful protesters are now being jailed

Last week, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked what is known as the Emergencies Act, which basically gives him dictatorial powers in the event of an “emergency” to take drastic measures beyond what would normally be lawful.

Since Trudeau is really upset that people are protesting against his tyranny, he is now weaponizing that act to arrest and jail peaceful protesters who simply want to work and live their lives without having to be forcibly “vaccinated” by the government for a virus that, technically speaking, has never been isolated and thus does not actually exist.

“Trudeau has dictatorial powers now due to the emergency,” Bridle explained. “He can do anything he wants. Not sure if you will ever see a judge or jury. Probably you’ll be just put in jail.”

“Better pack your toothbrush. Truckers and their supporters are being threatened with $100,000 fines, one year in jail, permanent revocation of your license to be a truck driver, and confiscation of your personal assets (like everything in your bank account).”

Sadly, this is all culminating into a civil war, which who would have guessed would ever come to Canada of all places?

“One side is going to win soon,” Bridle predicts. “I don’t know which side.”

Canadians who are still on the fence about all this are being encouraged to take a side. Those who support freedom and also being encouraged to travel to Ottawa, if possible, to make their voices heard.

More of the latest news about Fauci Flu shots can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

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