(Natural News) Girls as young as 13 are increasingly opting to slice off their breasts as part of an LGBT push to turn more American children into transgenders. And the Biden regime is largely to blame for this horrific trend.
Thanks to years of grooming at government-run public schools, American kids today are less concerned about enjoying their innocence and more focused on cutting off their genitals and taking gender-bending pharmaceuticals in order to join the ranks of the “rainbow” cult.
On their own, innocent children would never dream up perversions like this. Evil adults, many of them demon-possessed, are the ones responsible for turning the United States into Sodom and Gomorrah – and their demonic work has only just begun.
The below video from The Western Journal explains how the Biden regime (meaning the Obama regime, since Barack appears to be the one truly running things) is largely responsible for the trans-ification of America into a nation of Baphomets:
Since 2017, the percentage of Americans teens wanting to become transgenders has more than doubled
School curriculum, media programming, government messaging, and corporate propaganda are all contributing factors as well to the swift decline of America’s youth.
The end result of all this grooming is confusion, followed by pressure and even a desire to follow the script straight into “transitioning,” which is what increasingly more children these days are doing.
In 2017 when Donald Trump first became president, only about three or four out of every 100 American teens expressed interest in becoming transgender. By 2021, that number had more than doubled to nine in 100 children.
One can only imagine what the figure is currently as things accelerate exponentially.
“These children have been groomed to believe the idea that if they don’t feel quite right socially, if they don’t fit in for one reason or another, they might be trapped in the wrong body,” writes Michael Austin for The Western Journal.
“Because of this, many kids who suddenly identify as trans are experiencing social awkwardness, going through puberty and/or suffering from social development disorders such as autism and ADHD.”
It is perfectly normal for young people to experience confusion about who they are as they develop from childhood into puberty. What is not normal is them having perverse adults all around trying to convince them that this points to transgenderism.
“These children are being groomed to believe that the normal stresses of childhood can be solved through gender transitioning,” Austin adds. “They’re told that if you don’t feel right in your own body, the only way to feel whole is to mutilate that body to better fit the opposite gender.”
The Biden regime and leftists call this “gender-affirming care,” but nothing could be further than the truth. Instead of affirming children in their natural-born genders, perverse adults are telling them that they must affirm a different gender than the one that matches their anatomy.
Again, this is called grooming, and the Bible warns that people who engage in such are better off having a millstone tied to their neck and getting tossed into the ocean, as opposed to the judgment they will face at the hands of an angry God.
“Children need to learn how to tie their shoes and they need to be taught about math and reading, not the strange sexual ideologies of political activists,” Austin says.
“If you disagree, if you believe this sort of political and sexual grooming should be permitted in a classroom full of young children, there’s only one thing left to say: OK, groomer.”
The latest news about America’s rapid decline into the depths of hell can be found at Collapse.news.
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