The heavily vaccinated Australian population continues to struggle with record surges of deaths associated with the novel coronavirus. But how could that be the case with nearly the entire population vaccinated? While the COVID-19 vaccines do not stop infection nor viral transmission, they have been shown to at least, reduce serious disease and death. Yet as TrialSite has chronicled, in heavily vaccinated nations from South Korea to New Zealand and Australia, the deaths associated with COVID-19 continue to soar. Now, the mainstream press in Australia acknowledges the growing breakthrough COVID—19 hospitalizations and death toll yet doesn’t raise any critical questions.
As covered in the Sydney Morning Herald, COVID-19 related deaths have hit 7,495 based on health department data. As TrialSite reported, in the first months of 2022 (now four), more than double as many persons have died than during all of 2020 and 2021 combined. That’s right: 5,269 Australians have died since January 1, 2022, out of the total 7,495. With little media attention anywhere else, COVID-19 went from the 38th leading cause of death in 2020 to the second next to cancer by January 2022, based on a review of statistics from the Australian Board of Statistics, report Chloe Booker and Najma Sambul.
Who is dying from COVID-19? According to the recent media entry, over 75% of the deaths are the elderly, aged 70 and up, but the deaths also include eight children under the age of 9, as well as 5 children to adolescents aged 10 to 19. 30 persons in their 20s have died.
In the meantime, TrialSite reports that about 84% of the entire population has been fully vaccinated with about 52.5% of the population having received at least a third booster shot.
Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved four vaccines including Pfizer-BioNTech- was approved on January 25, 2021, then the AstraZeneca-Oxford on February 16, 2022, along with the Janssen approved June 25, 2021, and then Moderna 9 on August 9th.
Politicians are Deadly?
TrialSite spoke with a few subscribers in Australia who report that the general messages coming out of the mass media and government avoid any discussion of waning vaccine effectiveness, especially in the elderly other than its time for a booster shot for those that haven’t received one.
Waning vaccine efficacy against the Omicron variant of concern represents a dangerous situation, especially for the elderly.
Yet with a forthcoming election political parties seem to want to appeal to the good side of the masses, campaigning on the joys of newfound freedom—time to drop the masks and the like. This, despite record surges of COVID-19 infections, near record hospitalizations, and crushing record-breaking mortality rates.
As reported in the Sydney Morning Herald, at least some academics are calling out the politicians like Professor Nancy Baxter with the University of Melbourne, School of Population and Global Health who shared that both political parties run campaigns now as if COVID-19 doesn’t even exist—at a time when death rates shatter all records!
Professor Baxter said, “[It’s the] the biggest medical emergency or challenge that we’ve ever faced, and continue to face, and yet you hear nothing,” she said. “There’s no actual meaningful discussion or debate around management of the pandemic.”
She pointed to Victoria, noting Premier Daniel Andrews, up for election in November, doesn’t want to be associated with COVID-19 restrictions (e.g., masks, lockdowns, etc.).
Yet Professor Baxter herself doesn’t dare question the efficacy of the current mass vaccination regimen in place, rather sharing that what is needed is more childhood vaccination and boosters for the remaining elderly that haven’t yet been vaccinated.
This very well could help in the short run, but what explains the growing death rates of fully vaccinated and boosted persons? Most of the elderly are now boosted, yet 75%+ of the deaths fall in this cohort.
Australians don’t want to go back to restrictions, and politicians are pretending that COVID-19 barely exists while the public health agencies simply push vaccination with the same increasingly questionable products as the answer. In the meantime, the actual data points to a worsening health crisis.