"Published from The COVID Blog" Oral erythema multiforme: four more documented cases in Italy of gruesome post-Pfizer skin disorder

BARI, ITALY — An oft-repeated cliché goes something like “if voting mattered, they wouldn’t let us do it.” Likewise if the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections were truly about the health and well-being of society, particularly in the United States, they wouldn’t give them away for free (aka paid for by U.S. taxpayers). The only benefit of these injections is that objective journalists learn about the disorders and relay the information to victims.

Erythema multiforme (EM) is not a new disease. A 2011 case study published in the Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery concluded that the subject patient developed oral EM due to excessive alcohol consumption. It caused lesions and blisters all over his lips and tongue.

Researchers wrote that EM, classified as “major” or “minor,” is either a secondary infection, or a reaction to drug therapy. But they cautioned that “the pathogenic mechanism of EM remains unclear, and as a consequence there are no evidence-based, reliably effective therapies.”

The 40-year-old male subject in the foregoing case study tested negative for hepatitis B and C, and HIV. He was also evaluated for bullous pemphigoid. Researchers warned that there is no reliable test for EM, thus it comes down to a process of elimination.

“Diagnosis usually entails excluding other similar diseases by careful review of the clinical history and detailed clinical examination. Features more suggestive of EM are the acute onset (or recurrent nature), oral lesions typically located on the lip and anteriorly in the mouth, and pleomorphic skin lesions (typical and atypical target lesions).”

Oral steroids and antiseptic mouthwashes healed the condition until the subject started drinking again. He abstained from alcohol for six months and the condition resolved itself.

RELATED: Jane Stroud: British woman develops gruesome skin disorder after second AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection (October 4, 2021)

 Read the full study here. Again, the exact cause of EM is unknown. The global frequency of EM is estimated to be as low 1.2 per one million people, to a high of 6 per one million. Either way, it’s rare. Pfizer knew as early as April 30, 2021 that its mRNA injections cause EM. The condition is listed as one of the 1,300-plus possible adverse reactions on Pfizer’s own documents. Of course this information is still suppressed by mainstream media, the CDC, etc.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows 729 cases of post-injection EM as of April 1. That means at least 73,000 in real-life. Now a case study by Italian researchers provides more insight as to prevalence and forms of EM the Pfizer gene therapy triggers in humans.

Four cases of post-injection oral erythema multiforme

Researchers at the University of Bari (Italy) began their write-up, published last month in the peer-reviewed journal BMC Oral Health, with several mainstream, regurgitated COVID-19 talking points. So-called COVID-19 was a respiratory disease in 2020. But as of 2022, COVID-19 encompasses everything from an autoimmune disorders to kidney failure and blood clots, according to the case study. After the propaganda, researchers described four post-Pfizer EM cases. We cover three of them here.

The first subject was a 55-year-old female. She developed “crusted lesions” on her lips 10 days after her first Pfizer mRNA injection. A few days later she reported “oral mucosa’s painful erosive lesions, and concentric targetoid plaques on hands, forearms, knees, and heels.” Researchers diagnosed her with EM minor.

Despite the adverse reactions from the first shot, she received a second Pfizer injection weeks later. New blisters and lesions appeared on her hands within hours after of the second shot. Doctors prescribed both oral and topical steroids for 10 days. The condition cleared up thereafter.

RELATED: Toxic epidermal necrolysis: 49-year-old Saudi woman develops life-threatening skin-rotting disorder one week after Pfizer mRNA injection (August 23, 2021)

 The second subject was a 15-year-old kid with a preexisting form of epilepsy. He developed crusty lesions all across his lips seven days after the first Pfizer mRNA injection. The subject also developed “erythematous plaques” on his neck, legs and trunk region.

Doctors prescribed the same steroid treatment as with the first subject. He improved after 10 days, but was not fully cured at that point.

The final post-injection EM case covered here was a 20-year-old woman with preexisting celiac disease. She developed lesion on her lips and inside her mouth.

Doctors prescribed the same steroid regimen for three weeks. But they did not say whether or not she healed completely.

Despite all of these EM diagnoses happening within 10 days after the first Pfizer mRNA injection, researchers concluded that this case study does not prove causality. They also dismissed some of the cases as reactivated HSV-1 (herpes), despite none of the subjects reporting preexisting herpes. Read the full study here.

Signs of something worse

Skin and the inside of the mouth are the two visible areas of the human body that tell the story of what’s happening inside the body. Granted acne and pimples on the face are, for the most part, mere signs of growing up for pubescent teenagers. But bad oral health is linked to all kinds of issues, including, among other things, dementiaheart disease, and certain cancers. Meanwhile unhealthy skin, rashes, lesions, etc. could be signs of Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) syndrome. A 2013 study published in the The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology found that DRESS takes anywhere from two to eight weeks to manifest after administration of the offending drug (e.g. mRNA injections).

Ms. Kristen Della Bella developed erythema multiforme after a Moderna booster shot in February. The rashes and lesions were all over face and body, not in/on her mouth. She appears to be doing better now, based on recent Instagram photos. By all accounts, there are supposedly no long-term effects from EM. But again, doctors neither know what causes EM, nor exactly how to diagnose it. Further, people are developing EM now after receiving the experimental mRNA gene therapies called “vaccines” by mainstream media and big pharma. That’s exactly why we’ll continue following up on post-injection EM cases since we’re all learning in real-time.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
