Thanks to Politifact for Keeping Us All From Panicking About Adverse Vaccine-Related Events in the Armed Forces By streiff | Feb 03, 2022

Last Monday, very much under the media radar, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson held a panel discussion titled COVID 19: A Second OpinionThe purpose of the discussion was to convene experts to discuss “early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.” One of the branches of the discussion focused on the potential harm done to members of the US Armed Forces based on the ongoing forced vaccination program. Key figures were three DOD whistleblowers, real ones, not the fat, doughnut-addled Alexander Vindman types, who had produced evidence of increased incidents of formerly non-routine illnesses that have cropped up since the start of the military’s forced vaccination program.

The focus was a study produced by Ohio attorney Thomas Renz, representing the whistleblowers, based on the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) that tracks all diseases, injuries, and hospitalizations in the US military. It contains Army data since 1995 and Air Force and Navy data since 2000. The whistleblowers, all of whom have access to the database, found massive spikes in common vaccine injuries in 2021.

The data showed there has been a 300 percent increase in DMED codes registered for miscarriages in the military in 2021 over the five-year average,  an almost 300 percent increase in cancer diagnoses, and a 1,000 percent increase in neurological issues.

This is additional information provided by Renz.

The data presented show a considerable increase in the clinical pictures of their patients reported to the DMED by US military doctors, who are suspected of being the result of potential vaccination damage from the corona vaccination. Within the DMED database, each diagnosed clinical picture is noted in the form of an ICD code.

Using the requested DMED codes, the military doctors determined a five-year average for the period from 2016 up to and including 2020. The codes requested are medical conditions and injuries that have been registered in the database as possible adverse effects of vaccines. In their analysis, the doctors compared this five-year average with the figures for 2021.

According to the study published by Renz, the number of cancer diagnoses among US military personnel after the introduction of the corona vaccine has increased by almost 200 percent compared to the five-year average of previous years, from 38,700 DMED codes per year to a full 114,646 DMED codes in 2021.

The largest increase in diagnosis codes (DMED codes) can be observed with diagnosed neurological problems. Here the number of DMED codes rose from 82,000 in previous years to 863,000 in 2021.

Alongside the rise in cancer diagnoses and neurological problems, there has also been a nearly 300 percent growth in the number of DMED codes for miscarriage. While the five-year average of miscarriages was 1,499 DMED codes per year, in the first ten months of 2021 it was already 4,182 DMED codes.

Writing at The Blaze, Daniel Horowitz dug into the numbers and found even more astounding stuff.

Renz told me the numbers tended to be remarkably similar in all those preceding years, including in 2020, which was the first year of the pandemic but before the vaccines were distributed. But then in 2021, the numbers skyrocketed, and the 2021 data doesn’t even include the months of November and December. For example, some public health officials speculate that COVID itself places women at higher risk for miscarriages. But the number of miscarriage codes recorded in 2020 was actually slightly below the five-year average (1,477). However, they were not drastically below the average on any one category in a way that one can suggest it reflects lockdown-related decreases in doctor’s visits, which somehow led to an increase in 2021 diagnoses.

The database has all the ICD codes for both military hospital visits and ambulatory visits. The data presented by Renz so far is all from the query of ambulatory diagnosis data.

Aside from the spike in miscarriage diagnoses (ICD code O03 for spontaneous abortions), there was an almost 300% increase in cancer diagnoses (from a five-year average of 38,700 per year to 114,645 in the first 11 months of 2021). There was also a 1,000% increase in diagnosis codes for neurological issues, which increased from a baseline average of 82,000 to 863,000!

Some other numbers he did not mention at the hearing but gave to me in the interview are the following:

myocardial infarction –269% increaseBell’s palsy – 291% increasecongenital malformations (for children of military personnel) – 156% increasefemale infertility – 471% increasepulmonary embolisms – 467% increase

This kind of deviation from norms should have set alarm bells ringing. A 300% increase in cancer diagnoses in a population that is between 18 and 50 would seem to me to make even the dimmest bulb drinking coffee in the epidemiology office think, “hmmm, this doesn’t look quite right.”

There are always three go-to answers for this kind of out-of-norms data event. The most logical one is that the data is f***ed, and you need to audit it and try to repair/recreate the dataset. As a rule, you look at the outlier of the data and assume the error is there. The second is that things are being counted differently than they were in the past, that is, the event instances are the same, more or less, but someone has redefined what is in the categories. Usually, this results from some bureaucrat somewhere knowingly or unknowingly changing data definitions. The third is the scariest. The data is accurate, disaster is cascading, and everyone who should care is too busy studying “white rage” and lesbian sexual practices to pay any attention.

Whew. Fortunately for us, we have Politifact to clear things up and let us put away our night lights and security blankets thanks to their article rating the whole thing “FALSE” titled Numbers were based on faulty data, military spokesperson says.

U.S. military members experienced concerning spikes in miscarriages, cancer and other serious health issues in 2021, according to an Instagram post that grabbed attention with a big red “SOS” image attached.

The Jan. 28 post referenced the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database, or DMED, saying, “there has been a 300% increase in DMED codes registered for miscarriages in the military in 2021 over the five-year average.” The five-year average was 1,499 codes for miscarriages per year, the post said, and there were 4,182 such codes for the first 10 months of 2021. There was an almost 300% increase in cancer diagnoses and a 1,000% increase in neurological issues, the post says.

But these figures are wrong. They resulted from a glitch in the database, a military spokesperson said.

This is where it gets really good.

But Peter Graves, spokesperson for the Defense Health Agency’s Armed Forces Surveillance Division, told PolitiFact by email that “in response to concerns mentioned in news reports” the division reviewed data in the DMED “and found that the data was incorrect for the years 2016-2020.”

Officials compared numbers in the DMED with source data in the DMSS and found that the total number of medical diagnoses from those years “represented only a small fraction of actual medical diagnoses.” The 2021 numbers, however, were up-to-date, giving the “appearance of significant increased occurrence of all medical diagnoses in 2021 because of the underreported data for 2016-2020,” Graves said.

The DMED system has been taken offline to “identify and correct the root-cause of the data corruption,” Graves said.

Whenever I see an explanation like this, I can’t help but think of the episode of the classic police drama “Homicide: Life on the Streets” when Richard Belzer’s character, Baltimore Police Detective John Munch (the same character you may know from Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) is told an improbable lie by a suspect.

Yep. You read that explanation correctly. The 2021 data is accurate. It is the data from 2016-2020 that is horked. This brings us back to the old joke about why scientists use lawyers instead of rats for experiments…only with fact-checkers substituted for lawyers: “There are some things even a rat won’t do.”

Because Politifact is the stellar, integrity-filled outfit that it is, I’ll just leave this here for contemplation as I thank this courageous fact-checker for saving us all the trouble of considering what it might mean if somehow all the data in the database were accurate instead of having five random rogue years before the real data got recorded. Somebody has to do the hard and unrewarding job of preventing misinformation from spreading. I often find myself asking the same question posed by Frederic March at the end of The Bridges of Toko-Ri. I’m just glad I’m not one of them.