Draconian Rules Limiting Purchases for Unvaccinated Now Taking Place by The Standard | Feb 3, 2022 | Michael Reed

Truckers in Canada are protesting new laws mandating an experimental gene therapy being promoted as a Covid-19 vaccine. Photo courtesy Right Edition.


Dangerous developments are taking place in major retail “big box” stores. Our neighbor to the north is putting  draconian measures into place according to reports out of Canada. We’ve already seen over the past year, not only church meetings shut down, but pastors arrested for preaching the gospel in Canada, and being arrested when returning to Canada from the United States. The inherent danger in all this is that folk want to shy away from publicly speaking against the wrong of this behavior lest they become prey for the fowler. But, if allowed to continue it can have devastating consequences to a country with a highly regulated society, loss of freedomdeath camps and more, as in the case of the French Revolution or Bolshevik Russia and the Holodomor.


A few Twitter posts reveal what many Canadians are experiencing:


Under Quebec’s draconian new vaccine passport scheme, unvaccinated people who visit large stores like Walmart and Costco will have to be accompanied by employees to make sure they don’t buy anything other than food or pharmaceutical products.




Paul Joseph Watson wrote the following in Summit News:

Yes, really.

The rule is set to apply in big box stores so as “to make sure they (the unvaxxed) do not go and buy other products or other items that might be in the store,” according to a CBC newsreader.

In other words, in order to stop the spread of COVID-19, disgusting unvaccinated extremists must be prevented from purchasing things like disposable barbeques and electronic goods.

“For pharmacies located in big-box stores, such as Walmart or Costco, an unvaccinated person must be “accompanied at all times during his or her travels by an employee of the business, the pharmacy or any other person mandated by them for this purpose,” reports CBC, citing the decree. “This person may not purchase products other than those related to the pharmaceutical service they are receiving.”

“The leftists running Walmart, who endorsed the Black Lives Matter movement during the Floyd riots of 2020 and championed their stance against “discrimination,” are happily going along with the government’s plan to discriminate against the unvaxxed to “ensure a safe and efficient customer experience,” writes Chris Menahan.

This is yet another indication of how vaccine passport schemes are purely a means of punishing the unvaccinated for disobeying the regime.

Authorities in Quebec seem to be particularly keen on this, given that earlier this month, they announced a ban on the unvaccinated being able to purchase marijuana or hard liquor.

As we previously reported, back in September 2020, authorities in Quebec City announced they would isolate “uncooperative” citizens in a coronavirus facility, the location of which remained a secret.

All of these measures are being implemented despite there being absolutely no real world evidence that vaccine passports stop the spread of the virus.

As we highlighted earlier, businesses in Wales are demanding exemptions after the government failed to provide any evidence that COVID passports work in response to a Freedom of Information Act request.

The UK government’s own report into vaccine passports also found that the scheme not only failed to prevent the spread of the virus, it could actually worsen the situation.

Such schemes in countries across Europe, such as France, are now being made even stricter by eliminating the option of providing a negative test result.

Meaning only the vaccinated, who can still spread the virus, can freely go about their business, while those who can literally prove on the spot they don’t have the virus are subject to medical apartheid.

Makes perfect sense!


There are currently thousands of red blooded patriot truckers flooding the streets of Canada in what began as a protest to mandated “vaccines” (in fact this is taking place all over the world) before truckers can enter Canada.  It has grown into a call for all vaccine mandates across Canada. The truckers are flowing in from across Canada and the United States. Thousands more Canadians were welcoming the truckers until the Canadian Mounted Police were called in by Premier Trudeau to banish them from the roadsides.

Trudeau has flipped the narrative by accusing the truckers of “hate” because some are displaying NAZI flags aimed at fascist policies. The Canadians are taking the first step in protesting the theft of freedom. Their legislatures and parliament are another step. Beyond a positive response from their elected representatives to end the mandates, forced jabs, quarantines, and arrests of innocent people for resisting tyranny, there is only one step beyond that will restore the freedoms of a country falling to Communism.