If you still trust “mainstream” doctors after reading these four stories, then may God help you February 3, 2022 TheCOVIDBlog.com

A July survey by British market research firm OnePoll answers an important question. Why has this sloppy, so-called pandemic been so successful at duping seemingly-intelligent people into oblivion? The survey found that 88% of Brits trust their doctors’ advice completely or most of the time. They especially trust pediatric doctors, with 94% saying they mostly or completely believe and have faith in said doctors.

Of course since 2020, politics has entered doctors offices. A December 2021 Pew survey found that 71% of self-identified American Democrats trust their doctors, up from 68% in 2010. Only 60% of self-identified Republicans had those sentiments, down from 73% in 2010. Seemingly-intelligent people are far too indoctrinated to think otherwise despite all the revelations regarding the medical industry since 2020.

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services website says in plain English that doctors receive $40 for every COVID-19 “vaccine” they administer. That means doctors make $120 for every patient who receives three injections in their offices. U.S. primary care physicians have anywhere from 1,200 to 2,500 regular patients.

Using the average of about 1,800 patients, American doctors made up to $216,000 each in extra income last year if they talked all of their patients into receiving three shots. Further, the Biden Administration announced in December that Medicaid will pay doctors to talk parents into getting their kids injected.

There is clear financial incentive for doctors to push the poisonous injections. Doctors are also paid handsomely for classifying all sicknesses and deaths as “COVID-19.” Even the so-called “fact checkers” couldn’t twist and propagandize the fact that doctors are paid anywhere from $13,000 to $39,000 for treating so-called COVID-19 patients. COVID-19 is a literal gold mine for doctors.

RELATED: Peer-reviewed manuscript concludes that CDC massively inflates COVID-19 case and death numbers with creative statistics (February 12, 2021)


The indoctrinated are unlikely to see the light. But said light is so blinding right now that only the willfully, wantonly ignorant cannot see it.

D.J. Ferguson denied heart transplant for being non-vaccinated

Mr. D.J. Ferguson is a husband, father of two and expecting another child. He is in “severe-stage heart failure,” according to his GoFundMe page. He’s been at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston since November after a congenital heart defect caused blood and other fluids to accumulate in his lungs. The only thing that will save him is a heart transplant. Despite being at the front of the line for a heart transplant, Brigham and Women’s Hospital removed Mr. Ferguson, 31, from the transplant list. The reason – he refuses to receive mRNA and/or viral vector DNA injections.

These doctors want Mr. Ferguson to take an injection that causes heart inflammation and other cardiac issues, before he receives a heart transplant. ABC 5 in Boston dug up some guy named Dr. Arthur Caplan not only to insult Mr. Ferguson, but also play head cheerleader for Pfizer. The “journalists” facilitated all the newspeak and refused to acknowledge, at the very least, the 20,000-plus posst-injection deaths reported to VAERS.

Mr. Ferguson had emergency open-heart surgery last week to insert a left ventricular assist device.

Many patients live up to five years with said device. But the family is still trying to find a real medical facility to perform the heart transplant. They also fear moving Mr. Ferguson at all due to his advanced condition, as it may make things worse.

Chad Carswell denied kidney transplant because he’s non-vaccinated

Mr. Chad Carswell is a double-amputee who has undergone several heart surgeries in his life. He needs a kidney transplant immediately to prolong his life. Mr. Carswell currently undergoes dialysis three times per week to keep him alive.

RELATED: Mark Ruston: British man temporarily banned from Facebook after sharing gruesome photo of post-AstraZeneca, baseball-sized blood clot in his arm (January 28, 2022)


Mr. Carswell found 100 people willing to donate a kidney. But Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem, North Carolina refuses to do the transplant surgery because Mr. Carswell is non-vaccinated. The hospital’s reason for refusing to save this man’s life is that “transplant patients are at high-risk of severe illness if they [don’t get the vaccine].” Hospital officials failed to speak about the obvious risks associated with receiving the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.

“I was born free, and I will die free,” the laudable Mr. Carswell said.

He said on a podcast earlier this week that he was also on the Duke University Hospital (Durham, North Carolina) transplant list. But they are also refusing to save Mr. Carswell’s life because he won’t take their injections.

Queensland doctor receives death threats after two young girls suffer post-injection convulsions

Dr. Wilson Chin is a general practitioner at MedCenters Pacific Pines (Gold Coast) in Queensland, Australia. Two girls under age 12 “fainted” after receiving Pfizer mRNA injections administered at MedCenters on January 17, according to Dr. Chin’s own account of the events via Nine News Gold Coast. It’s unclear if Dr. Chin or someone else actually administered the shots. He dismissed said adverse reactions as “normal episodes…like a full-grown man would have [fainted].” Dr. Chin also said that the girls fainting was not an adverse reaction to the injections, despite them “fainting” within minutes after the shots.

Witnesses told a completely different story on Facebook. Most of the original witness accounts have since been deleted. But the story quickly went viral, and many others re-posted the witness accounts. One of the girls “hands and face suddenly tightened, her neck muscles were straining, and she started convulsing,” the witness said. A nurse was screaming at Dr. Chin to “do something.” Less than a minute later, the other girl started convulsing. The mother was screaming “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” at her daughters as they convulsed and seized on the floor.

We contacted the original witness who posted the account. Here is what he told us:

“One of the girls dropped and started convulsing. Then the second girl dropped to the ground in a similar fashion. I need to be really clear, the girls did not die as far as we are aware. The story has been twisted from my original post. Please do not target the doctor, he did his best on the day to help. I don’t believe he administered the needle. If you want to target anyone, target the [Therapeutic Goods Administration] TGA who are fully funded by pharmaceutical companies and who have told everyone these are safe vaccines.”

The backlash was swift and harsh for Dr. Chin. He took to Facebook for the first time in over five years to Pfizer-splain what happened. He said to the girls’ parents, “I honestly wish you never had to endure any of this in the first place.”

Dr. Chin called on Nine News reporter MacKenzie Colahan to try and spin the story further. Colahan and his crew called the witnesses “online trolls” and their accounts “misinformation.”

Dr. Chin has since stopped giving Pfizer mRNA injections to kids under age 12.

Maine doctor has medical license suspended, ordered to receive psychiatric evaluation for curing COVID-19 patients with Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine

Dr. Meryl Nass.

There are currently 147 studies, including 96 peer-reviewed studies, proving that Ivermectin is both a very effective COVID-19 treatment and prophylaxis. Hydroxychloroquine has 311 studies, with 229 peer-reviewed, showing similar effectiveness against so-called COVID-19. Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist in Ellsworth, Maine, followed this science and treated per sick patients accordingly. But the MIT-educated doctor quickly learned that U.S. medicine is not about science or health.

The Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine suspended Dr. Nass’ license to practice medicine in Maine for 30 days. The suspension started on January 11. In a nutshell, it says Dr. Nass was “spreading misinformation” and inappropriately treating patients with Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. The treatments are inappropriate because the CDC and FDA has not authorized the two drugs for COVID-19 treatment.

The board also ordered Dr. Nass, 70, to “submit to a neuropsychological evaluation by a Board-selected psychologist on February 1, 2022.” She is a “danger to the public,” according to the board. Click to read the full suspension document and psychological evaluation order.

Take charge of your health

The global cancer industry will be worth over a half-trillion dollars annually by 2028. It works in very much the same way as the COVID-19 industry, with vaccines alone being worth $150 billion. That doesn’t include masks, tests, gloves, etc. But here’s how it works.

This blogger mentioned his ex-girlfriend in a previous post. She was a perfectly-healthy woman until doctors “told her” she was sick and was going to die – unless she got a double mastectomy, implant reconstruction and radiation. That morphed into perpetual treatments and drugs that she’ll need for the rest of her life. She is now a $150,000 commodity for big pharma. She’s also a shell of what she once was physically, mentally and emotionally.

Same thing with COVID-19. Everyone is told they are sick, or will get sick and die without mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. Then said people are permanently maimed and need more treatment (more doctor bills); or the doctors can simply diagnose the patient with “COVID-19” right before said patient dies, and receive $13,000 or more for the “COVID death.”

COVID-19 was a literal “come-up” for doctors in 2021, as articulated above. It’s a global racket for big pharma and its partners. It all reminds this blogger of “The Homeboy Seminar” from the 1990s variety show In Living Color.

It’s really not a laughing matter. But what else is there to do at this point? Avoid doctors at all costs, unless it’s Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Peter McCullough, and the many other brave, honorable doctors out there holding up their Hippocratic Oaths. Unfortunately these doctors make up less than 5% of the total industry.

Quercetin, zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and CoQ10 should be in the households of every critical thinker in 2022. It’s probably a scary thought for lifelong white coat god worshipers to stop paying insurance premiums and divesting of that genocidal industry. Just think of all the money you’ll save.

This is literally a matter of life and death. We’re all going to die. But go down standing up, not lying in a hospital bed dying of medical malpractice.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.