People’s Liberation Army Launches Hemorrhagic Fever Viral Attack Against The World During Olympics by CD Media Staff

Well-placed sources have informed CDMedia that the armed forces of the Chinese Communist Party, the People’s Liberation Army, have launched another virus on its own people during the Olympics in Beijing, in order for athletes and diplomats to return home and infect the rest of the world, particularly the West.

The purpose of the launch is multifold. After being developed in a lab, the PLA is testing the pathogen’s performance on China’s own people and those attending the Olympics.

The virus has been altered inside a laboratory to make the incubation period longer than usual, now suspected at 3-4 weeks, in order to allow visitors to Beijing to return home with no symptoms during transit.

The launch of the virus is following the procedure used during the launch of Covid-19, in that portions of China are infected, locked down, in an attempt to stop the transmission to the rest of China after release. This scenario gives the PLA plausible deniability.

However, as with Covid-19, those infected visiting China will be allowed, even encouraged to travel to the West.

The virus is said to be highly transmissible, and causes bleeding through multiple orifices of the body, even the skin.

This second wave of biological warfare comes as the Covid-19 phase is winding down.

Our source has declared to have contacted appropriate agencies of the U.S. government to no avail in an effort to have those returning from the Beijing Olympics quarantined.

Other news outlets have recently reported similar stories from the region but not with these specific details. It is always a question of whether or not to publicize such data but we felt the American public needed to be aware of what possibly may be happening as trust in our government and medical establishment is at rock bottom.

CDMedia will report more information as we receive it.