Lawsuit Claims French Official and UK Academic Committed a “Scientific Crime,” Smeared Ivermectin TrialSite Staff

A patient’s rights group in Montpellier, France is pursuing a lawsuit against France’s National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products, or ANSM, for allegedly colluding with foreign influences to quash research into early treatment options for COVID-19, including ivermectin.

Jean-Charles Teissedre, a lawyer with the group filed the confidential lawsuit last March against the nation’s regulatory counterpart to the United States Food and Drug Administration, and an official at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), France’s counterpart to the United States National Institutes of Health. 

Bon Sens’ Lawsuit Against French Public Health Authorities

The suit, which was filed in the Occitania region in the south of France, recently came to light as French gendarmerie investigators gathered evidence and questioned interested parties about the allegations.

In an interview with TrialSite NewsXavier Azalbert, the director of publication of FranceSoir, described how the group learned about a conversation that Dr. Tess Lawrie, a physician, and proponent of COVID early treatments, had with Andrew Hill, a research fellow in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics at the University of Liverpool.

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Ivermectin Meta-Analysis Researcher Allegedly Acknowledged Outside Influence

During that conversation, Lawrie voiced concerns to Hill about his study’s alleged misrepresentation of ivermectin’s efficacy. Lawrie and others argued that Hill’s study only looked at examples that underdosed ivermectin and thus muted its efficacy.

Publisher Retracts Study That Misrepresented Ivermectin’s Efficacy

Hill’s paper, which was sponsored by the global health agency and COVID vaccine proponent Unitaid and appeared under Oxford Academic’s Open Forum Infections Diseases journal, was retracted in August after a letter of concern was submitted to the publication.

“Subsequently, we and the authors have learned that one of the studies on which this analysis was based has been withdrawn due to fraudulent data,” the publisher wrote. “The authors will be submitting a revised version excluding this study, and the currently posted paper will be retracted.”

Lawrie video recorded her conversation with Hill and asked him if his study was biased by outside interference. A transcript of the conversation is included in Robert F. Kennedy’s bestselling book “The Real Anthony Fauci.”

Lawrie told Hill that she didn’t understand why he would publish a study misrepresenting ivermectin’s efficacy after his initial findings found it to be overwhelmingly effective at treating COVID.

Hill, an advisor to Bill Gates and the Clinton Foundation, responded that he was in a “tricky situation” because his sponsors had pressured him.

Dr. Tess Lawrie Confronts University of Liverpool Researcher Andrew Hill

Lawrie told Hill bluntly that his obfuscation of facts about ivermectin was resulting in deaths.

“I’m a doctor and I’m going to save as many lives as I can… Okay. Unfortunately, your work is going to impair that, and you seem to be able to bear the burden of many, many deaths, which I cannot do,” Lawrie said.

“Would you tell me? I would like to know who pays you as a consultant through [the World Health Organization],” she asked.

Hill said that Unitaid paid him.

Lawrie: “Who Is Not Listed As An Author?”; Hill: “Unitaid”

“Whose conclusions are those on the review that you’ve done? Who is not listed as an author? Who’s actually contributed?” Lawrie demanded.

“Well, I mean, I don’t really want to get into, I mean, it … Unitaid…” Hill stammered.

“I think that … It needs to be clear. I would like to know who, who are these other voices that are in your paper that are not acknowledged. Does Unitaid have a say? Do they influence what you write?”

“Unitaid has a say in the conclusions of the paper,” Hill confessed. “Yeah.”

Lawrie pressed Hill to name names, but after he continued to equivocate, she unloads: “You’ve explained quite clearly to me, in both what you’ve been saying and in your body language that you’re not entirely comfortable with your conclusions, and that you’re in a tricky position because of whatever influence people are having on you, including the people who have paid you and who have basically written that conclusion for you.”

“You’ve just got to understand I’m in a difficult position,” Hill replied. “I’m trying to steer a middle ground and it’s extremely hard.”

“Yeah. Middleground,” Lawrie scoffed. “The middleground is not a middleground… you’ve taken a position right to the other extreme calling for further trials that are going to kill people. So this will come out and you will be culpable.”

French Health Official Allegedly Colluded With British Researcher

Hill eventually indicated that he had been contacted by Dominique Costagliola, an epidemiologist and former researcher at France’s National Institute of Health and Medical Research, which fulfills a role similar to the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

French Gendarmerie Financial Investigators Pursue a “Scientific Crime”

Azalbert said that the Bons Sens lawsuit alleges that Hill and Costagliola colluded to commit “a scientific crime,” against those seeking authorization of early treatment options in France.

Azalbert said that Lawrie’s video has been submitted as evidence in their case. Azalbert said he also aware that investigators with France’s National Prosecutor’s office are seeking access to Costagliola’s email correspondence and other documents related to the case.

“They are very interested,” Azalbert said of French authorities. “The lives of a lot of people are at stake and the police investigators don’t want to be the ones who miss the boat, just as they don’t want to be the one who accuses without grounds – it is a complicated situation.”

Azalbert said that Bons Sens also complained about Hill’s ethics to the University of Liverpool, but that the institution has taken no corrective action.

In lieu of a final investigation, the plaintiff’s lawyer Teissedre demanded a temporary recommendation for the use of ivermectin despite ANSM’s April 2021 ruling against the anti-parasitic drug’s off-label use for COVID.

“I do not argue for the far right and it is not a question here of idiotic conspiratorial suspicions,” said Teissedre, who has also represented Dr. Denis Agret, an infamous opponent of vaccine mandates.