Family Wins Court Battle Over Ivermectin, But It Comes Too Late

The drug ivermectin continues to be a flashpoint among patients, hospitals, governments and doctors. The latest example is the death of a Mississippi man whose family had just won a court battle to allow him to receive the controversial medication.

63-year-old Wayne Doyle died after a weeks-long battle with COVID-19. Doyle was on a ventilator for almost two weeks and North Mississippi Health Services refused to administer ivermectin to him. He was in North Mississippi Medical Center. Doyle’s family went to Lee County Chancery Court to contest the hospital’s decision. In court North Mississippi Health Service and the family agreed to transfer Doyle to another hospital where he would be given ivermectin.  Before he could be transferred, Doyle died.

Because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not recommend ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19,  most hospitals refuse to administer the drug. It is not unusual for a patient’s family to sue hospitals so the medication can be given to a patient. The FDA is very clear in its opposition to ivermectin which it has repeated labeled as a “horse de-wormer”.  Yet, the onetime “wonder drug” has been credited with curing some cases of COVID-19. Ivermectin, when administered by a knowledgeable physician, has allowed patients to “walk out of the hospital”.

Lots of Studies—Few Taken Seriously

The drug has been extensively studied during the pandemic in humans with 78 studies and counting, with over 85,000 patients as demonstrated in this website that tracks the studies. However the U.S. medical establishment discounts the great majority of these studies as rigorously weak. In fact, a couple of them have resulted in negligible to no real efficacious results.  While one Egyptian study involved allegations of manipulated data.  Most recently a couple prominent meta-analyses are under attack.  In fact, a journal has issued a so-called “expression of concern” regarding a couple meta-analyses showcasing positive ivermectin studies according to the online media Retraction Watch. Ivermectin papers slapped with expressions of concern – Retraction Watch

Several ivermectin-focused studies that initially evidenced positive results, that were thereafter published after rigorous peer review processes have been retracted. Regardless several countries have allowed for emergency use of ivermectin during the pandemic, including India for a period last year.

Why the Resistance?

In many cases, the court’s determination to allow the ivermectin treatment, is a decision of last resort. Many judges conclude that nothing else is working and the controversial drug should be used. The other obstacle has been the refusal of pharmacies to fill prescriptions for the drug.  

There has been conjecture behind the reasoning of the FDA regarding ivermectin. One of the theories is the drug is a cheaper alternative to the cures and vaccines being marketed by the pharmaceutical companies. Accusations of profit over care have been leveled. Regardless, many families who believe in the medication have been left with no alternative but to go to court to get treatment for their stricken loved ones.

Unfortunately, for Wayne Doyle, a court decision arrived too late.