The fully vaccinated may already be suffering from jab-induced AIDS, government data suggests

The long-term effects of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines" are finally setting in as vaccine-caused AIDS, the latest data shows. In the United Kingdom, government data shows that the number of "fully vaccinated" Brits may have already reached the point of no return as many of the injected are now suffering with autoimmune disease. The latest figures from the U.K. Health Security Agency (HAS) point to a massive increase in "cases" among the vaccinated. The unvaccinated, meanwhile, are doing mostly fine. "As you can clearly see, despite the not-vaccinated population being forced to suffer more restrictions than the fully vaccinated population, England is very much experiencing a pandemic of the fully vaccinated, with the vaccinated over 18 population as a whole recording a shocking 1.67 million cases in January 2022, compared to just 228,750 cases among unvaccinated people over the age of 18," reported the Daily Exposé. The Exposé came up with its own calculation methods to determine the variance between "fully vaccinated" cases, including both double- and triple-vaccinated, as well as "unvaccinated" cases since the government does not differentiate any of this in its reporting. Based on these methods, the Exposé determined that the real-world effectiveness of covid injections in England is actually minus-183 percent – meaning negative effectiveness. Getting injected, in other words, decreases one's immune capacity, and as we reported, that immune capacity continues to wane over time, hence the new designation of VAIDS (vaccine-induced AIDS). "This means fully vaccinated adults are more likely to catch Covid-19 than unvaccinated adults," the Exposé reports. "This is what vaccination has done to the people of England."

Covid "vaccines" appear to permanently damage natural immune function

Vaccine effectiveness, by the way, is not really a measure of a vaccine. It is actually a measure of a vaccine recipient's immune system performance post-injection compared to the immune system performance of a "pureblood." The idea behind a vaccine, including the so-called covid "vaccines," is that they train the immune system to recognize a foreign invader, in this case the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. It does this by introducing artificial spike protein pieces – or in the case of mRNA (messenger RNA) injections, by laying a blueprint for the body to produce its own spike proteins. The claim all along is that these spike proteins and / or spike protein blueprints go away after a time, leaving your body to handle the rest. But what does the initial impact do to the body in the longer term? The answer appears to be that the immune system is not only weakened but also set on a crash course to eventual destruction. It seems to continue waning over time, leaving a jabbed person prone to every disease that comes along much like an AIDS patient. "The problem we're seeing here is that the immune system isn't returning to its original and natural state," the Exposé reports. "If it was, then the outcomes of infection with Covid-19 would be similar to the outcomes among the not-vaccinated population." "Instead, it continues to decline at a rate that means the not-vaccinated population have a better performing immune system, so this means the Covid-19 injections are decimating the immune systems of the fully vaccinated." Extrapolated out, the Exposé determined that on average, fully vaccinated Brits currently have 65 percent less immunity to the Fauci Flu than the average unvaccinated person. So much for stopping the spread. "... the average fully vaccinated person in England is down to the last 35% of their immune system for fighting certain classes of viruses and certain cancers," the Exposé adds. "The question is, when will the remaining 35% of their immune system be depleted?" More related news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines" can be found at Sources for this article include: