Pfizer quietly warns investors about tidal wave of potential fraud revelations soon to come (op-ed)

(Op-ed) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is having a meltdown over being told by the courts that it must now procure the first monthly batch of 55,000 pages of data from Pfizer backing the company's Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine." The agency had initially asked if it could get away with producing just 500 pages per month instead, which would have allowed many decades of buffer time to obscure the truth. Legal challenges are speeding up that timeline, however, and Big Pharma is really not happy about the situation. You see, Pfizer has been raking in the mega-dough from selling its mRNA (messenger RNA) Fauci Flu shots to countries around the world. This year, Pfizer expects to generate upwards of $54 billion in sales – that is, unless its little scam completely falls apart, which is becoming more of a possibility. In its most recent earnings report from Q4 of last year, Pfizer warned investors that things are not looking to good moving forward. It turns out that whatever is contained within the disclosures is not exactly favorable to the company and its covid injections. Many now believe that they reveal fundamental fraud and deception as the basis behind the "science" that was used by the FDA to first emergency use authorize (EUA), then approve, Pfizer's experimental gene therapy injection. The Q4 earnings report explains to investors that there could be "unfavorable new pre-clinical, clinical or safety data and further analyses of existing pre-clinical, clinical or safety data or further information regarding the quality of pre-clinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection" revealed throughout this process. The report further mentions that "challenges driven by misinformation" could affect the company's stock price moving forward, this being a signal to investors that the Pfizer gravy train is soon coming to an end due to "concerns about clinical data integrity."

Now that Pfizer has made billions due to fraud, the company says covid could magically "disappear entirely"

Interestingly, Pfizer also made reference in its report to the fact that the time of the plandemic could be coming to an end right – how convenient! – as a critical mass of the world's population finally wakes up to the truth about the plandemic scam. Pfizer actually admitted in the report that the plandemic will probably now "diminish in severity or prevalence, or disappear entirely" – again, how convenient. It would seem as though Pfizer's goal all along was to milk the planet for obscene profits for as long as possible on the back of its "vaccine" scam. Knowing that people would eventually start figuring it all out, however, the plan was baked in such a way as to hide all of the incriminating clinical trial data until 2076 when many of the people currently alive are long gone, allowing Pfizer and its investors to run with the cash scot-free. These devious plans are now getting thwarted, thankfully, as the 2076 timetable is moving closer towards a now timeline due to ongoing lawsuits. This has basically forced Pfizer's hand, resulting in a death knell for its stock price. "How would a trial for crimes against humanity impact the business?" asked someone at Zero Hedge, reading the writing on the wall. "It wasn't for nothing," said someone else about the persistence of lockdowns and mandates, which we now know did nothing to stop the spread. "It was for depopulation, profits, control and they probably were able to figure just the right formula to get most of the population to drop dead at about the same time. Brought to you by Pfizer." More related news about Pfizer's deadly covid injections can be found at Sources for this article include: