Caitlin Gotze: 23-year-old Australian horse stable foreman dead seven weeks after second mRNA injection, mother wonders if “Pfizer vaccine stopped her heart” January 17, 2022 The COVID

GOWRIE JUNCTION, QUEENSLAND — A 23-year-old Australia woman is dead, and her mother is not buying the alleged cause of death – and neither are we.

Ms. Caitlin Gotze worked for Hatch Racing, a race horse operation in the Glenvale. She’d been with the organization since early 2019, and held the title of stable foreman since April 2021, according to the Toowoomba Chronicle (link blocked by paywall). A stable foreman is responsible for day-to-day care of the horses, including feeding, monitoring health, and grooming. They also mentor and supervise other staff. It’s unclear if Hatch Racing mandated the shots.

Ms. Gotze received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on or around September 7, according to her mother, Mrs. Raelene Gotze (aka Raelene Kennedy). Raelene said Caitlin fell “really ill” after the shot, to the point that she was bedridden for a week. Caitlin returned to work the following week, putting in 60 hours to make up for the lost time. Despite what sounds like a severe adverse reaction to the first shot, Caitlin received the second Pfizer injection on September 28.

She either fought through subsequent adverse effects for several weeks, or experienced none. Ms. Gotze seems to really love her job and horses, so it’s likely she went to work at far less than 100% during that time.

Tragic turn of events

Ms. Gotze was out with her friends on Saturday, November 13. She suffered a “severe asthma attack” that day. Ms. Gotze drove herself to the hospital. Doctors prescribed antibiotics, steroids and more/different inhalers. Ms. Gotze went to her regular doctor the following Monday, November 15. He told her to simply continue the protocols prescribed by the hospital doctor. There’s no indication that her regular doctor performed any further tests.

After another day of rest, Ms. Gotze returned to work on Tuesday, November 16. She apparently got through the day without issue. But on Wednesday, November 17, she had another alleged asthma attack while at work. Ms. Gotze went to her car to retrieve her inhalers. Her co-workers got worried when she didn’t return to the stables after several minutes. They went to check on Ms. Gotze and found her unresponsive in her car. Co-workers performed CPR until paramedics arrived. But it was too late. Ms. Gotze passed away that day.

Raelene is not fully convinced that an asthma attack killed her daughter. “I am seriously wondering if the Pfizer vaccine stopped her heart,” she wrote. Mrs. Gotze also said that preliminary findings indicated “no typical asthma presentation.” She once again said, “Pfizer is the suspicion but will have results next week.”

Mrs. Gotze is not going to allow her daughter to die in vain. She’s been continually posting information about post-injection myocarditis since Caitlin’s death.

She also pointed out that the consent forms for the mRNA injections mention nothing about potential death.

Mrs. Gotze is now wondering how Pfizer gets away with calling these injections “safe and effective.” She is also pointing fingers at the doctors who failed to run any additional tests.

GoFundMe page is collecting funds in Caitlin’s memory.

Cutting through the B.S.

Ms. Gotze did not die of an asthma attack. That is a cop-out by Australian medical authorities and makes absolutely no sense based on what we know.

This blogger had asthma as a child (just like Ms. Gotze), and had to carry around an inhaler. But after around age 10, it went away. Granted people develop and heal in different ways. But there’s been no signs of asthma ever since. Further, only about 3,500 Americans die of asthma per year, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Of those deaths, half are people over age 65. Assuming similar numbers in Australia, Ms. Gotze would have to be one of the most unlucky people in the world to die of a “natural” asthma attack. Now a post-injection asthma attack – that’s a different story.

Ms. Gotze was experiencing shortness of breath and difficulty breathing – essentially synonymous with an asthma attack. A simple search for “shortness of breath” on this blog finds 12 stories of vaxx-injured people reporting said symptom. Five of the 12 (42%) were ultimately diagnosed with pericarditis after the appropriate tests were done. Four others had blood clots and/or brain aneurysms. You’d think doctors would know signs of blood clots and heart inflammation better than a blogger would. Ms. Gotze also had a severe adverse reaction to the first shot and should have been exempted from the second. But I digress.

Perhaps asthma attacks are one of the new mainstream media and big pharma excuses for post-injections cardiac issues and blood clots. A 16-year-old Scottish boy died of an alleged asthma attack on November 23. Scotland authorized Pfizer injections for 16-year-olds on August 4. Destiny Gibson, a 9-year-old Massachusetts girl, died “unexpectedly” of an alleged severe asthma attack in late November. The U.S. authorized Pfizer injections for 5 to 11-year-olds on October 29.

We don’t know for certain if the foregoing two children received the injections. We also don’t know what exactly caused Ms. Gotze’s death, and likely never will. But 2 + 2 = 4 today, and will still equal 4 in six months when Queensland authorities file their official lies autopsy results.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.