U.S. Terrorist Network Left Untouched After Synagogue Attack

Current News

1) Record 360 million Christians persecuted in 2021 report states. See news report HERE.

2) Biden regime sued for Terrorist Financing. See news report HERE.

3) Former child bride says Biden regime "aiding and abetting" bringing sharia to U.S.  Read the article HERE.

4) China, Russia, and Iran hold their 3rd join naval operation in the Indian Ocean. Click HERE to read the report.

5) The UN gives $32 million to Taliban terrorists. Read more HERE.

6) Texas synagogue jihadi tied to Tabligi Jamaat (TJ). Read the story HERE. Note: UTT will post and article about TJ and their U.S. networks in the next couple days.


Featured Article:  U.S. Terrorist Network Left Untouched After Synagogue Attack 

by John D. Guandolo

The attack on a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas last Saturday again highlights the dangerous truth that the FBI and state authorities across America have done nothing - absolutely nothing - to rip down the terrorist support network in the United States, which is comprised of all of the most prominent Islamic organizations in America, as a matter of fact and evidence.

Despite the fact that nearly all Islamic terrorist attacks inside the United States can be directly tied to support from the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Deobandi (Tabligi Jamaat/Dar ul Uloom), and other partnered Islamic Movements inside America, nothing has been done to systematically take these networks down by the very agencies charged with doing so.

Here are a few examples of jihadi Movements directly supporting terrorist attacks in the United States:

9/11: Islamic Center of San Diego (MB)

Boston Marathon bombing: Islamic Society of Boston (MB)

Orlando Nightclub Attack: Islamic Center of Fort Pierce (Tabligi Jamaat)

Fort Hood Attack: Dar al Hijra Islamic Center (MB)

Chattanooga Attack: Islamic Society of Chattanooga (MB)

San Bernardino: Dar al Uloom al Islamiyyah (Tabligi Jamaat)

Garland, Texas Draw Mohammed Event Attack: Islamic Community Center of Phoenix (MB)

Investigations always end when the perpetrators and individuals involved in the violence of the attack are discovered and arrested. The massive Islamic network in the United States that births, nurtures, and supports these terrorists and their operations are left alone.

To continue reading click HERE

Click HERE to listen to John Guandolo's radio interview with Frank Gaffney on "Who is Aafia Siddiqui"


Featured Video

Last weekend's jihadi attack in Texas serves as a reminder of how broken Mr. Biden's national security team is and how they are intentionally aiding and abetting terrorists in America.  This goes to explain why Mr. Biden, Ms Harris, and the entire democrat national security apparatus intentionally supported the Taliban terrorists and left Americans to die behind enemy lines.  Let's go back and listen to UTT's John Bennett as he broke it all down for Steve Bannon at the time.  Click HERE to watch.


Featured UTT Product

In light of the jihadi attack in Colleyville, Texas last weekend, UTT encourages all of you to understand the jihadi threats better.  Pick up your copy of "Typical Comments" - a document that will help you respond to the typical comments from detractors who do not understand Islam, jihadis, or their massive network in America.  Click HERE to get yours today.

For our TEXAS residents - and anyone who wants to see how deep and wide the jihadi and communist networks are at the local level - we encourage you to get your FREE copy of "The Takedown of Texas" now.  Just click HERE.


UTT Victories

UTT is gaining ground in our ability to get our message out.  Our team members are speaking at more larger venues, on more radio/TV interviews, and current events are helping people see the truth about the coordinated efforts by the jihadis and communists to take America down.

Last week's article entitled "Jihadi Attack on Synagogue Highlights Info War & Massive Islamic Movement Operations in Texas" has gained a significant amount of attention in Texas and beyond.

Today, UTT Vice President John Bennett is speaking at a Freedom Rally in Oklahoma.  Next Weekend John Guandolo is speaking at a Patriot Conference in Texas.  Peggy Mast has been making the round at numerous rallies, conferences, and speaking engagements.  UTT's Caleb Collier is a featured speaker at a Patriot Rally in Washington State expected to draw 10,000 people.

Thanks to all of you for spreading the word.  PLEASE continue to share UTT's work with everyone you know and encourage them to go to UnderstandingtheThreat.com and contact us to bring the INTO ACTION training to their town and/or donate any amount of recurring donation to UTT to keep this train rolling!


What Can You Do to Stay Informed?

1) Listen to John Guandolo's Weekly Radio Show. Click HERE

2) Join UTT's team live as they deliver interactive presentations every Tuesday at 7 PM CST/8 PM EST on EncouterTruth.com.  To join click HERE now!

3) Join John Guandolo on the "Understanding the Threat" TELEGRAM channel livestream every Wednesday evening at 9:15 PM CST for a short (15 minute) brief on pertinent current events, followed by your questions.

4) Subscribe to UTT's YouTube Channel. Click HERE


Join the Fight

Get trained and Get in the Fight OR Fund the War Effort!


UTT's INTO ACTION Training is the portal for all citizens to empower you to take back your community, your county, and your state.  This 3-day program gives citizens an understanding of jihadi and communist threat doctrines, networks and modus operandi, and details where these hostile networks are in your local community, as well as helping identify those collaborating with them.  By the end of the 3 days the team will be assembled, organized, have priorities, and will have action items to begin working on immediately in your county.

You reach out to us when you have 20 or more Patriots ready to defend liberty, law, and the Constitution.

The objective is to FORTIFY your county by flushing all of the hostile organizations and leaders out, while simultaneously re-establishing a republican form of government at the county level.  By working with friendly adjacent counties and fortifying them as well, a LIBERTY STRONGHOLD is created from which the state can be retaken under law and the U.S. Constitution.

Go to the Contact Page at UnderstandingtheThreat.com or just click HERE and let us know you have a team who want to get INTO ACTION!



For those who do not want to participate in defending and advancing liberty by organizing your local community, you can play a significant role in joining Patriots across America by funding the war effort.

Please consider a monthly donation of any amount you can give to help.  A suggested amount is $50/month donation.

Click HERE to defend the American Republic or support UTT's Legal Fund



Music Corner

"This was a ton of fun to record a cover song that is a classic.  I hope we did it justice.  I think we did."  John Guandolo, Boats Against the Current, regarding the band's cover of "Wicked Game."

Click HERE to watch and listen.


Quote of the Day

"If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live."

Martin Luther King, Jr.