World Health Organization recommends children should not be vaccinated, changes directive 48 hours later

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND — The World Health Organization (WHO) is a division of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Only the U.S. government gave the WHO more money than Bill Gates in 2016-17; and it was by a fraction of a percent.

WHO 2020-21 funding has Germany on top, followed by Gates.

Everyone knows that Bill Gates is a genocidal madman. He has declared numerous times that his goal is for everyone on the planet to receive experimental COVID-19 injections. Further, Gates said at his infamous 2010 TED Talks (coincidentally the same year Fauci first joined the Gates Foundation Leadership Council) that the world’s population can easily be reduced by 10-15% if “we do a good job on…vaccines.”

Many people, including this blogger, were absolutely shocked to discover the WHO page that says children should not be vaccinated against COVID-19. It went viral on Twitter, Reddit and several other social media platforms in the last 48 hours.

The directive was quickly archived by numerous people. Our screenshot contains the original (and current) URL. The oldest version is from April 8. Thus the WHO has been recommending against vaccinating kids for over two months.

But sometime between 8:17 p.m. Eastern and 11:43 p.m. Eastern last night, the WHO changed the announcement. Below is the current version, with the link here.

Here is a screen recording of the page. The tab was left open overnight on my computer. When the page was refreshed, the text changed.

You may also go to the archives and see all the page captures from June 20, 2021 to June 22, 2021 at 23:43, which is the first time it changed.

Propaganda continues

This story doesn’t need much analysis. Real, unbiased scientists at the WHO, with no political or genocidal agendas, posted useful, important information for the world to see. It somehow went undetected for quite some time until viral dissemination these past two days. Someone emailed the boss, Bill Gates, and he ordered the change. Someone likely lost their job, or worse.

Nobody should receive these experimental shots, especially young people with no risk of dying from COVID-19. These injections cause deadly blood clots in everyone and myocarditis (heart inflammation) in young people.

Of course the bought-and-paid for Centers for Disease Control recommends everyone over 12 years old get these shots. The genocide is real. The propaganda is real. It’s exhausting. But critical thinkers have a responsibility not only to themselves, but to those too weak and obsequious to think for themselves. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.