How to Remove Nanotechnology from your body!

1.  Put a pinch of high vibe, nutritional sea salt, Redmond’s real salt,  bamboo salt, programmed with love, holding the intention of blocking  nano proliferation, commanding the unbinding and the purging through  feces and urine all nano particulates safely, without harm to your  physiology, on your food and in your drinking water daily, each meal,  each glass of water. Most important thing you can do!

2. Drink 1 ounce of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water, 3 times a day. If that’s too strong, make two cups of water.

3. Take 1/4 tsp of food grade aluminum free baking soda three times a day in freshly squeezed lemon water.

4. Take boron supplements as directed.

5. Take Activated Charcoal two to three times daily with plenty of water. It’s a binder and it constipates.

6. Liquid Zeolite to pull heavy metals.

7.  Take L Glutathione. Be gentle starting this for immune compromised  folks. If you cant tolerate orally, take a capsule and insert vaginally  or anally to let the amino acid get into your system and liver gently.

8. Foods high in natural L Glutathione is asparagus and globe artichokes. Bon appetite!

9.  Golden Paste: Make and take golden paste three times a day. Google  recipe. Make up. You can freeze extra. Great for inflammation, pain and  so much more.

10.  Golden Milk: Add golden paste to coconut milk, goat milk, raw cow milk,  almond milk made at home. Add cinnamon, clove, cardamom, cayenne,  whatever else you desire. Drink before bed. Inflammation buster. Mucous  buster.

11. D3 with K2 daily.

12. Bentonite clay, take orally to extract toxins from bowels.

13. Take chlorophyll. Chlorella is now very contaminated as is spirulina. Chlorophyll is cleaner.

14.  Take diatomaceous earth but start slow for weakened bodies especially  people riddled with candida. A dusting on the pinky to make sure you can  tolerate it.

15. Take oregano oil daily.

16. Take oil of cilantro.

17. Use Manuka honey daily.

18.  Put 2-4 drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide in 1 liter of water  and drink. This oxygenates the blood killing pathogens.

19. Take a high grade magnesium or use magnesium oil transdermally.

20. Take a high grade trace mineral daily.

21.  Use Illumodine Iodine and Nascent Iodine. Suggested dose is 3-5 drops  in 16oz of water, after 7 days this dosage can be safely doubled to 6-10  drops per 16oz of water.

22. Essiac Tea treats cancer, fungi, heavy metals, toxicity

23. Liquid Silica removes all sorts of pathogens from the body

24. Tea tree oil, 1 drop in manuka honey

25. Structured Silver in Suspension. Suggested dose is 2-3 drops per 1 liter of water, 2 times per day.

26. Take MMS

27. Take Fulvic Acids

28. Use colloidal silver especially nasal spray.

29. CBD oil, high organic grade

30. Take food grade vitamin C daily. Tapioca is a great one from Pure Formulas.

31.  Eat plenty of oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes. Take the peels of  any and all of the above. Dry. Grind in a coffee grinder with no coffee  residue in it until powder. Put in a jar. Theres your perfect Vitamin  C.

32. Water cleanse for 3 days. Just lemon in water or apple cider vinegar in water only for three days with trace minerals.

33.  Eat tons of sunchoke artichokes, organic. Wash. Grate. Add in freshly  squeezed lemon juice and put in fridge, raw. Balances blood sugar levels  and pulls radiation especially in this raw, predigested way. Eat at  least 1 TBS before your meal or a small bowl between meals.

34.  Eat beets. Wash. Grate. Add lemon freshly squeezed. Refrigerate. Put on  salads. On the side of food. In between meals. This heals everything  especially the blood, liver, gallbladder so you can detox.

35.  Eat one to two raw clove of garlic daily. Eat whole. Do NOT chew. Let  it dissolve in your stomach slowly. If you must cut to swallow, cut, let  it rest 1 minute. Drink down.

36. Use cayenne on everything. I put on most foods. It cleans liver and bowels. Habenara too.