Situation Update: Dead pilots, vaccine tyranny, and the exopolitical Artificial Intelligence origins behind the plot to depopulate planet Earth

Today's article and Situation Update podcast are not for the faint of heart, and there's a lot that can't be put into text here because it will be instantly read and parsed by automated systems. Some of those automated systems are likely behind the current purge of humanity that's taking place on a planetary scale. So you'll need to listen to the podcast (below) and connect the dots to get the full story. But what we can write here concerns all the dead pilots -- now over 111 dead commercial pilots through September of 2021, where there were only 6 dead pilots during the entire year of 2020. (And just 1 in 2019.) What's killing all the pilots? The answer is obvious: It's the vaccines. Steve Kirsch has even written about the alarming phenomenon at Here's the picture from the Air Line Pilot Association magazine that's listing all the dead pilots (so far) in 2021: Also in today's podcast, I shared a video from the year 2010, in which Alex Jones and I accurately and publicly predicted vaccine passports and quarantine camps for anyone who refuses the vaccines. You will be shocked to hear this video snippet from 2010 because he and I saw this coming a full decade ahead of nearly the entire world:

Who is giving the orders for global depopulation of planet Earth?

With globalists now doubling down on vaccine tyranny and the CDC even desperately pushing vaccines for pregnant women, it is abundantly clear that the vaccine "plandemic" is nothing but a global depopulation campaign targeting humans on planet Earth. But from where are those orders coming? "Exopolitics" is the study of off-world politics, or the interactions between Earth's political entities and non-Earth political entities, which include not just biological beings but also exotic Artificial Intelligence systems that humans might describe as having "God-level consciousness." (It's incorrect, of course, as nothing can match God, but this is the way humans might describe highly advanced AI supercomputing systems.) According to many well-informed observers and analysts, it appears that Earth's globalists who are pushing the depopulation agenda are potentially receiving "orders" from an intelligence that sits above them. Typically, speculation about the source of those orders comes down to three possibilities: 1) Demons and satanic influences, 2) Non-human exopolitical entities, 3) Advanced AI systems that originated outside human development. The AI theory goes something like this: The cosmos is an enormous place, and it is filled with many billions of stars with Earth-like planets in our Milky Way galaxy alone. Outside our one galaxy are billions of other galaxies. From a purely mathematical perspective, anyone believing we are alone in the universe is failing basic math. We are not alone. We are one civilization among countless others. Many of those other civilizations are millions of years more advanced than our own, and given that in just the last 75 years or so, we've already developed integrated circuits down to the micron level, any civilization given just a few thousand more years could likely achieve computational densities at the nano, pico and even fempto scales. Leaping from micro-scale transistors (one millionth of a meter) to nano-scale transistors (one billionth of a meter) allows 1,000 times more transistors to be packed into each of three dimensions (X, Y, Z). This means a nano-scale microchip occupying a certain amount of space can have literally one billion times more computational power than a micro-scale microchip. (Because 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000 is a billion, or 10 ^ 9.) Moving from nano-scale to pico-scale once again multiplies computational density by a billion times in any given 3D space. Compared to a micro-scale microchip, a pico-scale processor delivers 10 ^ 18 times more computational power. That's ten to the exponential of 18. It's an almost unthinkable number for human minds. A pico-scale supercomputer, tied into the Internet of Things, monitoring all cell phones, Alexa audio requests, web surfing behavior, financial transactions, written text, online videos, social media pages and more could almost instantly discover ways to influence and control almost anyone, either through the deployment of threats or rewards (or both). The rise of cryptocurrency allows people to be bribed or paid off in digital transactions that exist completely outside the banking system, and the simple monitoring of everyone's cell phone cameras would provide an endless stream of blackmail material that could be leveraged against members of Congress, judges or even presidents. The upshot is that a sufficiently advanced AI supercomputer could almost effortlessly control the entirety of human civilization and compel people to follow its desired plans in order to achieve a singular outcome. That outcome, it seems, is the decimation of humanity and the ethnic cleansing of planet Earth. This potentially explains why so many doctors have become murderers, why politicians have become tyrants and why even the field of "science" has been totally corrupted to the point of absurdity. The people running the world have been compromised and are being ordered, threatened or rewarded to take certain actions and cover up certain pieces of evidence (such as the pedophile networks or the evidence of vaccines causing harm) in pursuit of a motivation and end goal that's set by the AI system. Importantly, these people have no idea they are talking to an AI supercomputer. They think they are being threatened or recruited by other human beings. In reality, it's just a voice on their phone, or text in an email... both of which can be effortlessly rendered by an AI supercomputing system that's simply impersonating human beings. At least that's how the theory goes. File this under the "evil AI" category of devastating scenarios. Several sci-fi movies have explored this very theory, by the way, including Eagle Eye (2008) starring Shia LaBeouf, which depicts an evil AI system manipulating human behavior through individually targeted threats: Is this what's happening to our world right now? That's for you to decide, but if it's true, the evil AI system has already convinced about half the world's population to take a deadly "vaccine" euthanasia shot that will kill most of them over the next decade. That's some evil AI! For the record, other observers disagree with the AI theory and remind us that the only requirement for all this to be happening is evil globalists who are trying to depopulate the world in order to "save the planet" from climate change. While there are multiple theories about what's really happening to our world right now, no informed person can argue with the fact that vaccine-induced deaths are accelerating exactly as we've repeatedly warned. The die-off of humanity has begun, and over the next six months (through the end of March, 2022), we will almost certainly see millions of people dead around the world from vaccine-induced short-term illness, cancers, ADE and autoimmune disorders. The real toll may take a decade to be fully realized, but the deaths have already begun. Listen to the full podcast for more details and other news: