Francisco Pérez Benítez: 35-Year-Old Corporal Dies 16 Days After Receiving AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine

AIZOAIN, NAVARRA – A Spanish corporal has died 16 days after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Francisco Pérez Benítez received his shot on April 7th and immediately developed a high fever and severe headaches. He was admitted to hospital on April 21st where he died two days later as a result of thrombosis.

Benítez began to feel unwell just hours after the injection but continued to go to his job as usual.

A week later, on April 15th, the headaches and intense discomfort forced him to go to the emergency room however doctors discovered nothing so he was sent home. He returned to the hospital on the 19th but was once again sent back home. Elizabeth, his wife, found him unconscious two days later on the 21st and he was rushed to the Clinic of the University of Navarra where he eventually died.

Spanish Minister of Defence Margarita Robles visited the Aizoáin barracks to convey her solidarity to the family and colleagues of the corporal. During the course of the visit, the minister commented that according to medical reports, that there is no doubt that Benítez died as a result of the vaccine: