BPOC2020: Dutch Organisation Launches Vaccination Reporting Center, Number Of Deaths Reported Is 3 Times Higher Than The Government

THE NETHERLANDS – A Dutch organization that launched a vaccination hotline for the reporting of adverse effects and deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines has received reports of 1504 deaths and 1496 serious adverse reactions so far. Lareb, the official government agency that registers deaths and adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines, has only reported 509 deaths in total.

Pieter Kuit, the chairman of the independent non-parliamentary commission of inquiry BPOC2020, said:

“The hotline was set up because we are deeply concerned about the registration of adverse effects and deaths by Lareb. The number of deaths reported to us is about three times higher than at Lareb. The actual number of reports is even higher because we have not been able yet to verify all reports received.”

BPOC2020 founders Pieter and Jade Kuit on the right

The organization plans to use the reports in summary proceedings against the Ministry of Health. The BPOC2020 hopes to achieve an immediate suspension of vaccinations: “All signals point to an emergency,” Mr. Kuit said in a video message.

Mr. Kuit emphasizes:

“The BPOC2020 is of the opinion that the vaccination campaign should be suspended immediately in order to conduct in-depth investigations into the COVID-19 vaccines and the possible causality between the reports of death and health damage.”

Agnes Kant, director of Lareb, has invited the BPOC2020 to discuss their findings on September 9th.