News Briefs: Wendy Williams update, young people dropping dead daily, Australia military forcibly injecting aboriginals and more

It’s official. More Americans have died from COVID-19 in 2021 (388,521 as of November 24) than in 2020 (385,343), according to data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Johns Hopkins University. Note just subtract the 2020 number on the CDC website from the U.S. death total number from the Johns Hopkins website.

Of course to critical thinkers and even people with simple common sense, this should not be the case. Nearly 60% of Americans (as of November 24) have been injected with the super-terrific, awesome “vaccines.” But most Americans continue grazing out in their pastures.

YouGov Cambridge survey released yesterday found that only 28% of Americans know that the deadly effects of mRNA and viral vector DNA injections are being deliberately hidden from the public. The three African countries included in the survey – Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa – were at 54%, 50%, and 49% respectively. India is also full of critical thinkers, with 41% knowing that media hide the truth. Sweden (15%) and Denmark (10%) are by far the most trusting of government and media.

It’s no secret that media are all bought and paid for. Reporter Alan McLeod for Mint Press News compiled data from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation website. The organization has given at least $319 million to media worldwide, including CNN, BBC, NPR, Al-Jazeera and pretty much every other mainstream organization. But McLeod concluded that the number is actually far higher due to sub-grants and other factors.

RELATED: CDC Foundation is not a government entity, has many conflicts of interest (March 23, 2021)

Gates has given over $500,000 to PBS. But “PBS News Hour” anchor Judy Woodruff didn’t get the memo. She grilled Gates about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein back in September. It’s great watching Bill squirm as he’s not used to accountability. He even appeared to threaten Ms. Woodruff when she asked Bill if there’s a lesson to be learned from all this. “Well, [Epstein is] dead, so we always have to be careful.”

We do these long summary articles because it’s impossible to keep up with all the propaganda, deaths and maimings related to the lethal injections. Everything you’re about to read should be front page, leading news on every outlet in the world. But we know that won’t and can’t happen. It’s the responsibility of The COVID Blog to keep everyone up to date on everything. So here goes.

Wendy Williams paralyzed and suffering from dementia?

The mysterious absence of Wendy Williams from her eponymous daytime talk show is getting weirder and sadder. We reported earlier this month how the show’s producers lined up several substitute hosts to fill Williams’ spot while she’s recovering from an alleged “breakthrough COVID-19 case.” Ms. Williams was vehemently against receiving the mRNA or viral vector DNA injections. But she caved since her show is filmed in New York and the city has an indoor vaxx mandate. Now her career is likely over and her life forever altered.

Toine the Don, associate producer of the nationally-syndicated Rickey Smiley radio show, reported on Sunday that Ms. Williams “can no longer walk.” He also said she’s suffering from dementia. Mr. Tommy Williams, Wendy’s brother, refuted the reports of dementia.

RELATED: Clint Bearden: 55-year-old Louisiana oil worker diagnosed with dementia 10 days after second Pfizer mRNA injection (September 15, 2021)

He told The U.S. Sun, “I haven’t seen anything like that or have had conversations with her that would lead me to believe that.” He did not refute the paralysis claims. Ms. Williams broke her silence in a November 8 Instagram post. She reported making progress and will “listen to my doctors,” the same people who talked her into the injections.

Meanwhile Radar Online reported that the Wendy Williams Show producers are now seeking a permanent replacement. Sherri Shepard is the front-runner for the position. In other words, Wendy Williams is not expected to recover from that appears to be severe adverse effects from the experimental injections.

American Heart Association: mRNA injections “dramatically increase” heart attack risks

The general public is noticing the disturbingly high number of young people dying of heart attacks in 2021. Mainstream media have accelerated their propaganda campaigns as a result, framing heart attacks in young people as normal, and minimizing the dangers of myocarditis and pericarditis.

The U.K. Sunday Times blamed “pandemic stress and poor diet” on the rise in heart attacks for people under age 30 in 2021. The Cardiac Metabolic Institute in New Jersey blamed everything from cigarettes and vaping, to cocaine and obesity. A 2019 Smithsonian article preemptively started the propaganda and blamed climate change for future heart problems in babies.

Cannabis use disorder” is the primary cause for all the heart attacks, according to the American Heart Association (more on them in a second). Dr. Sarah Long of Drexel University implied in a Popular Science interview that post-injection myocarditis is so harmless that doctors should “not call it myocarditis.” None of the foregoing organizations mentioned experimental mRNA or viral vector DNA injections. But the American Heart Association (AHA) apparently slipped up and allowed some real science to be published in one of their journal.

RELATED: 5 young athletes in 8 days die or suffer career-threatening heart attacks (November 11, 2021)

A November 16 abstract in the journal Circulation highlights the findings of an eight-year study on 566 people. Researchers utilized the PULS Cardiac Test, “a clinically validated measurement of multiple protein biomarkers which generates a score predicting the 5 yr risk (percentage chance) of a new Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS).” Dr. Steven Gundry, who authored the abstract, concluded, “an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk” after the subjects’ second mRNA injections.

Note that Dr. Gundry is a well-established cardiologist who has performed 10,000 heart surgeries in his career. But lately he’s been involved with actress Gwyneth Paltrow’s “goop” brand that sells, among other things, vagina-scented candles. Thus vaxx zealots will use that talking point to discredit the entire study. The full study is published in the hard copies of the November 16 issue of Circulation. But the public won’t have online access to it until late 2022 due to the journal’s “12-month embargo” before releasing studies publicly.

Speaking of young people dying…

Unfortunately this is the normal now as the depopulation agenda (genocide) is in full effect globally. There’s no way we can cover every one of these individually. Millions of children will be dropping dead in the next 18 months. But the following is a quick list to demonstrate how mainstream media frame these stories.

Sha’Niyah McGee was a 16-year-old junior at Berkner High School (Richardson, Texas).

She “died unexpectedly” on September 28, according to Fox 4 News reporter David Sentendrey. He also said that Sha’Niyah died “of COVID-19.” But the way Sha’Niyah’s grandmother described her death sure sounds familiar to this blogger.

Interestingly a triple-vaxxed teacher at the school, Ms. Eroletta Piasczyk, died that same week. Mainstream media reported her death as “complications from COVID-19.”

Jaylen Mitchell was a 17-year-old senior at Ypsilanti (Michigan) STEMM Middle College.

Mainstream media reported that Jaylen was participating in a basketball tryout on November 15 when he suffered a “medical emergency.” That means he collapsed on the court. Jaylen died later that night. A press release from the school said Jaylen was “smart, athletic, and compassionate, and someone who touched the lives of others for the better.”

One of Jaylen’s teammates confirmed that he was in fact vaxxed.

Carmyne Paschall Payton was a 15-year-old sophomore at Copiague High School (New York).

He was running laps during a basketball tryout on November 18. Carmyne collapsed while running and passed away later that night, according to ABC 7 in New York. Ms. Tiffany Wofford, Carmyne’s mother, said her son had just survived the first cuts during tryouts and was on his way to playing a prominent role on his team.

Aaron Vasquez was a 14-year-old high school freshman from Dumont, New Jersey.

He was playing basketball with his younger brother on November 20. Aaron collapsed on the court and died a short time later at Hackensack University Medical Center. He loved God, his family and his church, and wanted to be a professional baseball player or coach, according to his GoFundMe page.

Joey Morgan was a 28-year-old actor.

He is best known for his role in the 2015 comedy “Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse.” Mr. Morgan “passed away unexpectedly” on November 21, according to NBC News. He was also known for his roles in the 2016 film “Compadres” and the 2017 film “Flower.”

“One World Religion” Headquarters opening in 2022

Former U.S. Army General Michael Flynn made headlines after some bizarre comments based on unintended truth. Flynn, who served in both the Obama and Trump Administrations, attended the “Reawaken America Tour” at the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas on November 13. The event also featured Mike Lindell and Alex Jones.

Flynn said, “If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion. One nation under God, and one religion under God.”

Several television talking heads condemned the remarks. But Flynn was simply revealing the next step in The Great Reset/New World Order. “Pope Francis” signed a joint declaration with the grand imam of al-Azhar, Dr. Ahmed el-Tayeb, on February 4, 2019. It called for religious tolerance and dialogue. An organization called “The Higher Committee of Human Fraternity” was formed to execute the declaration.

RELATED: BREAKING: New York federal judge halts the state’s unconstitutional “vaccine” mandate for healthcare workers with sincere religious beliefs (September 15, 2021)

The committee announced in October 2019 that the One World Religion headquarters, known as the “Abrahamic Family House” would open in 2022.

The compound is located on Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It has three houses of worship, named The Imam Al-Tayeb Mosque, St. Francis Church, and Moses ben Maimon Synagogue. A statement on Vatican News reads:

“The Abrahamic Family House’s design, by architect Sir David Adjaye, captures. the values shared by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, through three main buildings, including a mosque, a church, and a synagogue in one place. “As such, the complex innovatively recounts the history and builds bridges between human civilizations and heavenly messages.”

Construction was 20% complete in June, according to the Abu Dhabi government. Note “the pope” and all these other Catholic bishops and cardinals are die-hard mRNA and viral vector DNA cheerleaders.

It’s just more proof that so-called Republicans and Conservatives in power are no more the allies of critical thinking, pure humans than Democrats.

FDA asks federal judge to provide 55-year timeline to release Pfizer approval documents

A noble nonprofit called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on August 27. It demanded the FDA release:

All data and information for the Pfizer Vaccine enumerated in 21 C.F.R. § 601.51(e) with the exception of publicly available reports on the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.

PHMPT also requested expedited processing of the request. The FDA denied the request for expedited processing because PHMPT did not demonstrate “a compelling need that involves an imminent threat to the life or physical safety of an individual” or “that there exists an urgency to inform the public concerning actual or alleged Federal Government activity.”

The organization filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of Northern Texas on September 16, requesting a Court order compelling the FDA to comply with the law. The clownery reached maximum ridiculousness from there. The FDA proposed releasing 500 pages of Pfizer data per month. There are a total of 329,000 pages of Pfizer data, according to the FDA’s statement in a joint report to the Court. Thus the FDA is asking for 658 months, or about 55 years to release all the documents.

PHMPT is requesting a 108-day deadline (no later than March 3, 2022) to release all documents, which the organization said is, “the same amount of time it took the FDA to review the responsive documents for the far more intricate task of licensing Pfizer’s Covid–19 vaccine.” The judge will decide a timeline either at an upcoming hearing or based solely on the arguments in the joint report. Stay tuned.

Australia military forcibly injecting aboriginal people against their wills

“They’re killing us. It’s a program of elimination. That’s all this is.” This is just a tiny bit of what northern Australia aboriginal elder June Mills said in a 7-minute long video posted on Facebook. She passionately pleaded with the world and her people to do something as aboriginals are being held down by Australian soldiers and forcibly injected with mRNA and viral vector DNA against their wills. It is happening in Binjari, in the Northern Territory of Australia.

RELATED: Bevan Costello: 65-year-old Australian indigenous elder receives second Pfizer mRNA injection during televised event, dead six days later (September 29, 2021)

Ms. Mills publicly gave out her phone number and demanded her people call her to figure out a plan. “Where’s our army? We need an army. We cannot just lay down and let them do what their doing!” she said. “Time to stand up everybody. These are enemies occupying our land.”