Mosheur Rahman: Healthy 16-Year-Old Boy Dies Shortly After Receiving The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Family Seeks Justice

MARGHERA, VENICE – A 16-year-old boy has died shortly after receiving the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Mosheur Rahman got his shot at the beginning of August. He immediately suffered multiple symptoms such as a high fever and a severe headache. He went to the emergency room three times but was sent home each time. His last visit was to Angelo Hospital where he was quickly transferred to the intensive care unit. He died just a few days later. The family is now seeking justice for his sudden death.

Mosheur Rahman, just 16-years-old, arrived in Italy from Bangladesh – his country of origin – only 6 months before his death to join his family that has lived in Marghera for years. He lived there together with his mother, two brothers (one older and one younger), and his father. Prince Howlader, a relative of the young boy, said:

“He was a healthy boy. Three weeks ago he had the Moderna vaccine and then he started to feel ill and passed away. We want to understand what happened in Angelo Hospital. We have filed a complaint with the prosecutor to demand an autopsy.”

The young boy’s death shocked the Bengali community in Italy. Hundreds attended a protest to demand justice for the 16-year-old: