Jennifer Deon: San Francisco Bay Area actress calls religious exemptions “dumb excuses,” has miscarriage three weeks after mRNA booster shot

SAN FRANCISCO — A 28-year-old woman who describes herself as an “actor and vegan” has disappeared from the internet after “vaccine” virtue signaling ended tragically.

Ms. Jennifer Deon received her mRNA “booster” shot on October 18, according to her now-deactivated Twitter account. She captioned a photo with post-injection bandages on her arm with “BOOSTER bby (sic)” and declared “getting the vaccine makes you hotter.”

That same day, she equated COVID-19 to smallpox. The previous has a less than 1% mortality rate, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control. Variola major smallpox has a 30% mortality rate.

Two weeks later, she mocked a nurse who was fired from her job after being denied a religious exemption from injections. Ms. Deon called religion “a dumb excuse.”

Miscarriage and aftermath

Ms. Deon was about six weeks pregnant when she decided to get the mRNA “booster” shot. Thus she had already defied the odds and got pregnant after the first two doses. Ms. Deon went for an ultrasound on November 9, when she was a little over eight weeks pregnant. Doctors discovered that her baby was dead in utero. Since it occurred before the 20-week mark, the event is classified as a miscarriage.

She tweeted a photo of the ultrasound on November 10. Ms. Deon said she was devastated and heartbroken.

Despite mocking religion as “a dumb excuse,” she expressed gratitude for people praying for her family.

But ultimately her old tweets surfaced and began circulating online. Ms. Deon deactivated her Twitter account yesterday, and followed suit on Instagram today. She does not appear to draw any sort of link between the miscarriage and the booster injection. We’ll monitor her Twitter account to see if she comes back online anytime soon.

Booster adverse effects immediate and harsh

Evidence is mounting in two areas. First, there appear to be millions of people who received the first two injections without any adverse effects. Then they get the booster shots and their lives are turned upside down. There are far too many of these to report on. But they all have the same pattern.

Mr. Ken Kirwan is another example. The Irish “entertainer and songwriter” reported no ill-effects from the first two shots that he received in March and April.

He received his booster shot on October 17, and course, took an unsolicited shot at so-called “anti-vaxxers.”

Two weeks later, he lost his ability to walk, and blamed it on COVID-19.

It would be disingenuous from a journalism perspective to ignore who and what most of these people are (meaning virtue signaling vaxx zealots). The following is a snapshot of Ms. Deon’s Twitter profile before she deactivated it.

You know she’s a vaxx zealot immediately as she checks every box for those types. White liberals have most of the world believing that “Black Lives Matter” is some sort of Black American empowerment movement. But the “What We Believe” page on the Black Lives Matter official website tells you exactly what they are – a word-salad white liberal homosexual front group that works to eliminate fathers completely from the family equation. This is obviously a critical step in the overall depopulation agenda.

RELATED: Depopulation Agenda: Planned Parenthood’s documented blueprint for destroying humanity comes to fruition over last 50 years, culminating with COVID-19 (October 15, 2021)


This blogger joked about calling the foregoing people LGBTV (for “vaccine”) in a previous post. It is literally homosexual culture that not only facilitates mass deception and propaganda at all levels of society, but also reinforces and espouses this entire COVID-19/”vaccine” agenda – which of course is also critical to depopulation. It makes sense as LGBT are by far the most protected, privileged people in U.S. society.

You cannot fight a war if you’re unwilling to identifying the enemy. Granted Donald Trump encourages his fanatics to receive the injections, as do most Republicans on Capitol Hill and beyond. Government in general is the enemy. But their vaxx zealot henchmen on the ground are mostly rainbow warriors. Conforming and cooperating in any way with that lifestyle and its practitioners is aided and abetting the enemy that is openly and brazenly killing off humanity.