Franklin Graham: Pastor Who Pushed COVID-19 Vaccine Develops Pericarditis, Undergoes Heart Surgery

Franklin Graham, an American Pastor who claimed that Jesus would have approved of the COVID-19 vaccine has developed pericarditis, which is an inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart (pericardium). The influential Evangelical leader underwent specialized heart surgery on Monday, November 8th to treat a heart condition that had developed in recent months.

Graham urged Christians to take the COVID-19 jab earlier this year stating that it would follow the example set by Jesus Christ to use modern medicine and the injections to bring healing to people.

Franklin Graham

Graham pleaded with evangelical Christians to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in an interview with Axios that appeared on HBO in May of this year, saying:

“I want people to know that COVID-19 can kill you. But we have a vaccine out there that could possibly save your life. And if you wait, it could be too late.”

He also said in an interview with ABC:

“I think if there were vaccines available in the time of Christ, Jesus would have made reference to them and used them.”

The timing of his hospital admission for heart problems makes it likely that it was induced by the vaccine. The Pastor was admitted to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota to have his pericardium (the sac around the heart) removed.

The rise in pericarditis and myocarditis, two forms of heart inflammation, after COVID-19 vaccination is the primary reason that Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Denmark suspended the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and why Taiwan suspended the second Pfizer dose for teenagers.

We will continue to monitor this case.