2021 COVID-19 Vaccine Rollouts are Associated with Worldwide Increases in COVID-19 Death Rates above 2020 Levels

Abstract:  COVID-19 vaccines are not preventing a rise in COVID-19 deaths. In fact, as of October 10th, 2021, COVID-19 death rates following vaccine rollouts are higher in 70% of the 178 countries for which we were able to obtain vaccination rollout dates and number of total vaccine doses administered.  COVID-19 vaccine rollouts have not slowed the rate of serious COVID-19 disease or COVID-19 deaths caused by SARS-CoV-2 viral variants.

Background:  In the United States, COVID-19 mRNA and vector-DNA Vaccines have the highest reported post vaccine death rate of any vaccine in history in the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC)’s vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS)1.


41% Increase in US all-cause mortality in 2021 since COVID vaccine rollout 

In the United States and in other countries around the world, there has been increased all-cause mortality in 2021 since COVID vaccine rollouts began than in 2020.  COVID-19 mRNA and DNA-vector vaccines create antibodies surrounding internal organs by having the body create billions to trillions of spike proteins specific to the original SARS-CoV-2 variant. As shown in the Israeli and UK data, the current COVID-19 spike protein vaccines provide no protection against infectiousness, symptomatic illness, or being hospitalized with the current immune-escape Delta variant.  Insufficient nasal and oral mucosal immunity against the Delta variant is created by current COVID-19 vaccine injections, so the vaccinated spread the Delta virus and carry viral loads 251 times higher than the previous Alpha variants in nasal and oral cavities.3,4

Vaccine Rollouts worldwide are followed immediately by increased COVID Deaths of the elderly & about 4 months later by the rise of an immune escape Delta variant

Delta variant prevalence (seen as a green line in charts below) is recorded to occur in vaccinated and unvaccinated hospitalized COVID-19 patients roughly four (4) months after initial COVID-19 vaccine roll-out dates due to vaccine-induced selective pressure.5 As seen in both Israel and the UK data, vaccination rollouts coincide with larger weekly rates of reported COVID-19 deaths per million than occurred during the 2020 COVID-9 pandemic period. During the beginning of vaccine rollouts there are all-cause mortality rises in deaths of the elderly.

A large increase in all-cause mortality occurred in persons 65 years and older in Southern United States at the beginning of COVID-19 vaccine rollouts. In the United States, all-cause mortality for 24 to 64 year-olds is higher in 2021 than in 2020, concomitant with COVID-19 mRNA and vector-DNA vaccine rollouts.

Worldwide Data Show COVID-19 Vaccines are Associated with Increased Risk of COVID-19 Deaths

We collected COVID-19 deaths per million data from Our World in Data6 and collected COVID-19 vaccine rollout dates and number of doses per 100 people from Covid vaccines: How fast is progress around the world? The Visual and Data Journalism Team BBC News7 and analyzed it using R programming language.  We generated scatterplots comparing the COVID-19 death rates prior to and post COVID-19 vaccine  roll-out dates in each  country. Each country in the scatterplot is randomly assigned a color and the size of the text increases with the number of vaccine doses per hundred individuals. The regression line of the data set  in addition to the line with slope 1 that passes through   the origin (y=x) to make it easy to see that countries plotted above this 45 degree line have a higher COVID-19 death rates after COVID-19 vaccine rollouts; and countries plotted below this 45 degree line have lower COVID-19 death rates post COVID-19 vaccine rollouts .1 

The plot below shows COVID-19 death rates per million persons both before and after COVID-19 vaccine roll-out dates for 17 different COVID-19 vaccines in 178 countries, as of October 10, 2021.  It includes 10 months of data pre-rollouts and at most 9.5 months post-rollouts, depending on the begin date of country COVID-19 vaccine rollout. COVID-19 deaths per million were obtained from Our World in Data.8 COVID-19 vaccine rollout dates and number of doses per 100 people were collected from Covid vaccines: How fast is progress around the world?9 and plotted using the R programming language.  Each country in the plot is represented by a dot, randomly assigned a color. The size of its country name increases with its number of vaccine doses per hundred persons. The regression line shows the overall relationship of COVID-19 Death rates pre and post vaccination rollouts for these countries. The line with slope one (1) passing through the origin (y=x) is shown to make it easy-to-see countries plotted above this 45-degree line have higher COVID-19 death rates after vaccination roll-outs; and countries plotted below the 45-degree line have lower COVID-19 death rates after vaccine roll-outs.1    Overall, it can be visually seen that COVID-19 vaccines do not lower COVID-19 death rates, and, in fact, are associated with increased COVID-19 death rates in 70% of the 178 countries plotted.  

Many countries having relatively small pre- and post-vaccination rollout COVID-19 death rates cannot be seen in this plot of 178 countries, so the next plot shows just the lower corner of the plot for countries having less than 50 COVID-19 deaths both before and after COVID-19 vaccination rollouts.

Some of the countries having lower COVID-19 death rates post vaccine rollout as of October 10, 2021, have already moved up to the 45 degree line and have an equally large COVID-19 death rate today as before their vaccine rollouts.  For example, on October 10th, the date of the data pictured above, Australia had a lower COVID-19 death rate of 21.4 per million post-COVID-19 vaccination rollout than its initial rate of 35.25 before. However, by October 28th, Australia’s post vaccine rollout reported COVID-19 death rate rose a rate of 30.26 COVID-19 deaths per million since its vaccine rollout began on February 21, 2021, almost equal to before it began COVID vaccinations with mRNA and vector DNA vaccines. Because Australia did not begin its vaccination rollouts until end of the 3rd week in February, the comparison is for a shorter time period post-vaccine-roll-out. Thus, Australia’s post-vaccine rollout COVID-19 deaths per million per month is actually higher now than its pre-vaccination period and has moved almost to the line. 

There are many possible mathematical explanations or theories that could be tested statistically, for why some countries have been able to keep their COVID-19 death rates lower than the world’s average world’s rate of 635.6 per million as of October 28th.  Perhaps countries having lower COVID-19 death rates post-vaccine rollouts have vaccinated fewer persons; or are using more traditional, less dangerous vaccines; or are making early, effective treatments available such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin that are being used in countries reporting very low COVID-19 death rates such as China, Nicaragua, and the Congo. 

CONCLUSION:  COVID-19 vaccinations are not associated with decreases in COVID-19 death rates and, thus, do not reduce serious hospitalized COVID-19 case rates.  Overall, numerical data show COVID-19 vaccine rollouts are associated with increased COVID-19 illnesses and deaths.

  1. Anyone can check the current death report numbers, by using this web site URL: https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?TABLE=ON&GROUP1=AGE&EVENTS=ON&VAX=COVID19&DIED=Yes

  2. CDC VAERS analysis submitted to FDA by Josh Guetkow PhD. David Wiseman PhD. Paul E. Alexander PhD. Herve Selegmann PhD.

  3. Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers. August 23, 2021. Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Among Vaccinated Healthcare Workers, Vietnam https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3897733

  4. The Covid mRNA and DNA vaccines do not provide any mucosal immunity that would do more to prevent infections and spread of COVID disease. Mucosal Immunity in COVID-19: A Neglected but Critical Aspect of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Michael W. Russell, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States

  5. “Vaccine escape” variants are mentioned in the DOHERTY MODELLING report in table of contents and p. 8.

  6. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations

  7. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-56237778

  8. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations

  9. By the Visual and Data Journalism Team by BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/world-56237778

References in addition to Footnotes:

10/19/21   81 Research Studies Confirm Natural Immunity to COVID ‘Equal’ or ‘Superior’ to Vaccine Immunity.  The Brownstone Institute lists 81 of the highest-quality, complete, most robust scientific studies and evidence reports/position statements on natural immunity as compared to the COVID-19 vaccine-induced immunity.  https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/research-natural-immunity-covid-brownstone-institute/ 

10/07/21 Fully Vaccinated Countries Had Highest Number of New COVID Cases, Study Shows.  The authors of a study published Sept. 30, in the European Journal of Epidemiology Vaccines said the sole reliance on vaccination as a primary strategy to mitigate COVID-19 and its adverse consequences “needs to be re-examined.”

Army physician warns about toxic ingredients in COVID shots. Sep 27, 2021 ‘Use of mRNA vaccines in our fighting force presents a risk of undetermined magnitude in a population in which less than 20 active-duty personnel, out of 1.4 million, died of the underlying SARs- CoV-2.’ Physician and Army Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long.  To try and steer the Department of Defense to policies that protect military personnel from dangerous COVID vaccines and defend our national defense.  The AFFIDAVIT OF LTC. THERESA LONG M.D. IN SUPPORT OF A MOTION FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ORDER. September 24, 2021 

Dr. Joel Hirschhorn: Nearly Two Million Americans Dead from COVID Vaccines, Infections, and Collateral Impacts  October 27, 2021

Medical Bombshell: Pfizer Vax Attacks Human Blood Creating Clots Under Microscope. Oct 26, 2021 Highly respected medical doctor and inventor, Richard Fleming, has released a 32-minute detailed presentation documenting his shocking findings. In late 2020, before the Pfizer shot had even been rolled out, top scientists and experts around the world warned the Pfizer and Moderna shots posed extreme risk of causing blood clots, myocarditis and other cardiovascular problems. One year later, Pfizer and Moderna have been forced to issue warnings confirming their controversial MRNA vaccines can indeed cause a long list of problems not just limited to the cardiovascular system. Now, research scientist, Dr. Richard Fleming, has tested the Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine on fresh human blood samples in-vitro and made a string of nightmare discoveries confirming the medical community’s findings. To find out more about this ground-breaking research, visit Fleming-Method.com

Israeli Mathematician Says Vaccination Causing Surge in Youth Deaths.  October 20, 2021

22 Studies and Reports that Raise Profound Doubts about Vaccine Efficacy for the General Population By Paul Elias Alexander   October 28, 2021

New Lancet Study From Sweden Shows Vaccine Effectiveness Against Infection Dropping to Zero and Sharp Decline Against Severe Disease As Well. October 28, 2021.