Court Initially Orders Ivermectin then Cuts Off Severely Ill COVID-19 Patient

Court Initially Orders Ivermectin then Cuts Off Severely Ill COVID-19 Patient: Due to a Failed Hospital Protocol Jeffrey Smith Died

TrialSite Staff

October 6, 2021

1 Comment

In September, TrialSite reported that an Ohio judge initially compelled UC West Chester Hospital to treat Jeffrey Smith, a severely infected COVID-19 patient, with ivermectin after the official hospital protocol failed to work. We reported that Smith was “on death’s doorstep” in the hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU). Mr. Smith’s family had hope as Butler County Common Pleas Judge Gregory Howard ordered in favor of Smith’s family, compelling the hospital to give the patient ivermectin for up to 14 days. TrialSite reported that the patient’s condition seemed to have improved since the court-enforced temporary mandate, reported family attorney Ralph Lorigo and Julie Smith, Mr. Smith’s wife. We reported on bad news, however, that upon the expiration of the 14-day temporary order, a new presiding Judge, Michael Oster, ordered a delay so he could review the evidence. Days later, Oster changed the order cutting the patient off ivermectin, even though the hospital had nothing else to try and the patient’s condition looked like it was improving–at least that’s what both the plaintiff’s lawyer and wife declared. The judge ultimately sided with the hospital administration denying Smith permanently from using the FDA-approved drug off-label for COVID-19 even though it seemed to have helped. Jeffrey Smith has since died.

Judge Oster declared that because the federal authorities are not recommending ivermectin for COVID-19 and felt there was a lack of sufficient evidence that ivermectin helps with COVID-19, he cut the supply off to the severely ill Jeffrey Smith. This is another example of a death that did not have to occur. If attorney Lorigo and wife Julie Smith were correct in stating that the ivermectin was indeed improving Jeffrey Smith’s condition, it is extremely unfortunate that the hospital couldn’t offer the patient a chance for some treatment. All their options had failed, and sadly, the result was death.