The Puzzling Pandemic: A Possible Big Picture, An Interview With Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche by SoniaElijah October 27, 2021

I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, a leading virologist and international vaccine expert. Before taking an R&D role for several well-known vaccine companies, he worked for fifteen years in academia. Dr Geert was also the former senior program officer in vaccine discovery for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the former senior Ebola Program manager for GAVI, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization.

Dr Geert masterfully explained his concerns over the dangers of a global mass vaccination program; the threat of viral immune escape and the propagation of more infectious viral strains, which he had warned about as early as March 2021, when he penned an open letter to all authorities and scientists calling for its immediate halt. The response he received from sticking his head above the parapet, ranged from stark silence to utter vilification- the same fate shared by other scientists and eminent medical experts, who have warned about the dangers of mass vaccination during a pandemic.

“My problem with mass vaccination is that you can do a lot of harm, if you don’t use the vaccine in the right way.”

The right way, he explained, was the prophylactic (preventative) vaccination approach, which he described as “loading your gun before you’re on the battlefield.” This is where an individual’s immunity is activated, creating full-fledged immunity, before they encounter the pathogen.

The wrong way, which has been the pattern followed by almost every country, is “loading your gun, whilst already on the battlefield,” which he warned “is very, very dangerous.”

Since the mass vaccine rollout, Dr Geert explained there are two reasons why we have sub-optimal immunity- “which leaves the door open for the virus to escape,” leading to more virulent strains of the virus.

  1. We have a vaccine with a spike protein that no longer matches the spike protein of the circulating variants.

  • Immunizing massive percentages of the population who are already exposed to the circulating virus (while they’re already on the battlefield), gives an opportunity for the virus to escape.

“And why do we have these highly infectious strains, propagating so aggressively? It’s due to mass vaccination.”

He went on to explain that we’re no longer in a constant environment where parameters are standardized, like in clinical trials, with only small, selected groups vaccinated, which does not exert immune pressure on the virus. In contrast, now in the background, you have a pandemic with an evolutionary dynamic. You have the mass vaccination of the global population which exerts pressure on the virus, which will select more infectious variants that have a competitive advantage to overcome this immune pressure, leading to vaccine resistant strains. He went on to say, “highly infectious strains, like the Delta variant, means that the likelihood for somebody being infected is substantially higher than it was 18 months ago.”

Dr Geert made an alarming statement stating, “the virus is finding a favorable breeding ground in people who are vaccinated and that’s how we explain, not the emergence of these more infectious strains, but the propagation of these strains, since the mass vaccination.”

The waning of vaccine efficacy

Dr Geert made an important point that the goal of the vaccine studies was to protect against disease, not infection. It’s a well-known fact that the Covid-19 vaccines do not prevent infection. He explained that vaccine efficacy was waning because the more infectious variants are much more difficult for the current vaccines to overcome- particularly when they were produced when only the spike protein from the original wild strain was isolated and before the population was exerting immune pressure on the virus. The vaccine’s diminishing efficacy can help explain why we’re seeing an uptick of Covid cases in heavily vaccinated countries.

The suppression of innate antibodies

Another factor that comes into play with a mass vaccination program, is the suppression of innate antibodies (your body’s own evolutionary defence system) by the vaccinal antibodies. Dr Geert explained, “this is not a problem, provided the vaccinal antibodies work very well, however when the circulating virus becomes resistant to these antibodies, then you have a huge problem- because the vaccinated are having their own innate antibodies suppressed whilst their vaccinal antibodies will no longer neutralise the virus- this is the definition of resistance.”

This could explain why the vaccinated are being infected at an alarming rate around the world.

Looking at the recent data coming from Public Health England, it reveals that in the 40-49 age group, the Covid infection rate is 100% higher in the fully vaccinated (at least 2 doses) than in the unvaccinated.

When I asked Dr Geert to comment on the recent UK data, he explained:

“This is what I always predicted, the ratio of people who get the disease..and get severe disease in the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated group, that this would progressively shift at the disadvantage of the vaccinees, due to the fact that vaccine efficacy is waning.”

The booster program

When it comes to the booster program, Dr Geert explained, additional doses of the vaccine will lead to elevated levels of vaccinal antibodies that will further suppress your innate antibodies that protect the individual against all variants. This is because naturally acquired antibodies recognise a more diversified spectrum of the variants. In addition, the booster program will put further immune pressure on the virus causing it to become more resistant. Dr Geert has been very concerned with what’s going on in Israel with third doses being administered. “I cannot imagine that what they’re doing in Israel will have a happy ending- or else we’ll have to rewrite immunology.”

Dr Geert raised the point how children who were primarily protected from the virus by their innate immunity or from their acquired immunity (based on prior exposure) are now getting sick because of the more infectious strains and because the vaccines would suppress their own innate immunity. He was adamantly against children being vaccinated as the risks outweigh any benefit they would receive.

With the many complexities of this pandemic, one thing is for certain, which can be summarized best by Dr Geert’s concluding statement: “Nobody can deny that this mass vaccination campaign has been a huge experiment on human beings.”