Biden Deputy Treasury Secretary: The Only Way to Transcend Supply Chain Challenges is 100% Worldwide Vaccination!

In the latest absolutely, outrageous—and bizarre claim out of the Biden administration, Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo, declared in an interview with ABC’s Stephanie Ramos that the only way that the American economy will transcend the current supply chain crisis, inflation, and all else is 100% vaccination. That’s right—let’s just forget natural immunity, lowering infection rates in many states, or any number of other factors the politicization of the COVID-19 vaccine has gone to great lengths to conceal.

Recently ABC News reported on mounting supply chain problems across America and beyond focusing on the Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach. To be expected, most experts acknowledge that current supply chain problems arose out of the pandemic shutdowns last year. Longshoremen and others involved with trade report severe shortages in truck drivers and other key labor.

While Biden recently announced measures to overcome supply chain issues, some news sources question out loud whether his regulatory actions may just make matters worse. In a recent piece in National Review Biden has secured 24×7 operations at the major ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, yet Veronique De Rugy writes that “honestly that [POTUS] measure sounds like the equivalent of trying to rescue a sinking boat with a solo cup.”

A confluence of factors hampering the American supply chain hinder efforts to overcome the crisis. These include severe labor shortages, weakening infrastructure, and growing inflation. The Biden administration has attempted to prop up spending by providing a series of benefits via the American Rescue Plan, but those actions don’t stop these more foundational, structural problems at this point.

Blame the Vaccinated

If it couldn’t get any worse, well—it just did for the unvaccinated. In the ABC News interview, Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo essentially blamed the entire supply chain crisis on the unvaccinated. He declared that America was in a transitory economy, and POTUS’ stimulus was meant to help people make it through the tough times due to the pandemic.

But Mr. Adeyemo got right to his main agenda which was to reinforce on national media the vilification of the unvaccinated declaring that “the only way we can get to a place where we can work through this transmission is to ensure that everyone in America [and the world] is vaccinated.” 

TrialSite focuses on biomedical health research and by extension in the pursuit of transparency and accessibility may from time to time uncover political, economic, and social topics of concern. We suggest that something is terribly wrong if the main talking point of this administration is that the supply chain crisis is now due to unvaccinated people. Never mind natural immunity or challenges with the vaccines themselves—this comes after a handful of months where the vaccinated transmitted the virus along with the unvaccinated. This unreasonable, either-or false dilemma we believe is political suicide. POTUS won’t achieve his aims, and his party will be voted out en-masse next year. The supply chain problems may continue to persist if a change in leadership paradigm doesn’t happen, and soon.