An Alternative Voice: The Censorship Continues as PayPal Shuts Down FLCCC & More Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles Taken Down

Unprecedented levels of censorship have accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic. The level and intensity of this censorship accelerated with the incoming POTUS starting in January 2021. While TrialSite itself has faced censorship as factual articles about ivermectin studies, for example, have been taken down from social media sites—not because there was any misinformation but because the words triggered an algorithm. But the levels of information suppression become more insidious and nefarious by the day. 

TrialSite reports that PayPal suddenly—and without any warning whatsoever—shut down the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) PayPal account recently, so the group would not be able to sustain its non-profit operation. Of course, the FLCCC has advocated for early-onset treatment of COVID-19 patients in addition to vaccination and sound public health policies. After the fact, the FLCCC received a notice that their account was permanently limited and that no further transactions using PayPal would be permitted. They were instructed to remove all references to PayPal from their website. In parallel, Facebook imposed new limitations on the group of doctors advocating for early-onset care of COVID-19 patients. At the same time, a peer-review-accepted-and-published paper on vaccine safety issues was pulled by a journal—lawsuits are imminent. 

Apparently, the FLCCC is not alone, as the market’s leading social network recently wiped out the Facebook MD group. By last year, over 1 million groups were taken out by Facebook in wholesale purges, reported NBC News. Undoubtedly, hundreds of thousands more have been impacted since then. TrialSite’s founder Daniel O’Connor shared for this entry, “Already there was evidence that the current White House was advising the Silicon Valley social media company as to what was misinformation,” acknowledged the White House press secretary in September

TrialSite’s Daniel O’Connor spoke with FLCCC co-founder Dr. Pierre Kory today, who shared that they have been attacked across all the major social media. Even with Twitter, they have observed strange behavior—for example, a message may start going viral suddenly to slow down and stop in a sort of “molasses effect,” thereby limiting any traffic or attention thereafter.

Cancel Science

While politico types are concerned about so-called cancel culture, a truly disturbing trend occurring now is what could be called “Cancer Science.” For example, just recently, the medical journal Current Problems in Cardiology “temporarily removed” a peer-reviewed journal authored by Dr. Jessica Rose and Dr. Peter McCullough. The piece titled “A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products” was already reviewed, approved, and published. Suddenly and abruptly, the journal’s leadership issued a “Temporary Removal” status evidencing an intention to stop access to the information. Why would the journal allow for the entire cumbersome and expensive peer review process, accept and approve only to cancel after they have published? Clearly, someone got to them.

TrialSite’s Daniel O’Connor was able to speak with Dr. Peter McCullough on the matter, who declared, “this paper was welcomed by the journal,” emphasizing, “the paper was fully accepted with executed publishing agreements and now with the journal’s move to withdraw the paper represents a brazen breach of contract.” 

Dr. McCullough shared this is a manifest example of censorship, which the authors won’t accept. The Texas-based, well-known cardiologist stated, “If they don’t restate the full status of the paper, then we plan to legally prosecute and enforce our contractual rights to the fullest extent possible.” Legal counsel has been retained for what appears to represent an imminent legal conflict. 

Back to the FLCCC. TrialSite learned that the recent Facebook attack is just one example in a long line of what amounts to information warfare against any information that contradicts the dominant COVID-19 narrative promulgated by the current White House and various executive branch agencies, not to mention the World Health Organization.  

The FLCCC’s public relations representative informed TrialSite that Facebook has continued to remove posts and lockout followers while countless YouTube videos have been removed. Moreover, the FLCCC was “de-platformed” on Medium as well as on LinkedIn and Vimeo. The group’s ability to issue a press release was blocked by PRWeb/PR Newswire over the summer when they were banned from using that newswire in June.

The Loss of Scientific Dissent is Society’s Loss

Back in July, Dr. Erin Stair shared in “On the Battlefield of Misinformers, Dissenters & Staunch Stakeholders of the Almighty Narrative” that while it most certainly is “important to acknowledge the existence of misinformation, or information that is false,” it’s just as important to understand the importance of scientific dissent. The West Point graduate, physician, and Armed Services Veteran shared, “Scientific dissent…is not misinformation.” In fact, scientific dissent serves a critical purpose in the collective quest to discover scientific truth. That is how progress throughout the ages occurs.

The ongoing blocking, suppressing, and outright censoring of different scientific perspectives, opinions, and analyses won’t work in the long run. This kind of action assumes that most people are ignorant and that they are not capable of doing their own homework, considering different points of view, and making up their own minds. Already a counter-movement builds as growing numbers of people openly ponder the integrity of those in charge.