Surviving a Biological or Chemical Attack
Surviving a Biological or Chemical Attack
90 min. course
How to construct a Shelter-In-Place Room. Decide early on what trigger you will use to start going back out into public. Take OpSec precautions when you are talking with people about the flu and your plans/preparations
In-person or Online, Minimum Class Size: 2, Location, Date, Time: Contact Chris Herzog
To begin with, let’s look at Islamic terrorist groups that are operating openly in the US. All fifty states have active, known terrorist cells ranging from the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda to ISIS.
Second, the effects of chemical and biological weapons are truly terrifying.
Blistering skin, suffocating, loss of nerve control, organ liquefaction, sores, and the thought of mummy-like infected people coughing and spreading suffering and death is enough to keep a sane person up at night.
Third, the Soviet Union manufactured hundreds of tons of biological weapons as well as 40,000 tons of chemical weapons. Some of these are still under Russia control. Others were destroyed, sold to countries like Iran, Syria and some of them and have been lost.